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Thread: Fitropin Vs. Jintropin

  1. #1

    Fitropin Vs. Jintropin

    Hey All I Have A ? I Can Get Fitropin And Jintropin The Jins 100 Iu And The Fit 120iu The Fitropin Is Alot Cheaper For Me But Im Hearing Since Its 192amino Acids Your Body Build Anitbodys To It And It Doesnt Work Can Anyone Help Me Out And Tell Me The Truth Which One Should I Take And Is That True? Thanks Guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I am not sure if anyone really knows if it's 191 or 192 unless it gets tested and good luck finding a lab that tests protein based rHGH. It all heresay about 191 or 192 but if many are having strange sides like red welts then that could be cause by the e-coli bacteria and may give a indication if 192aa. If consensus is Jino is good then go with that but if $$ is a major concern go with Fitropin..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    its 192 they state this in their website

    "Fitropin is MET-rhGH, which has 192 amino acid residue among them 191 amino acid sequence and structure are identical to the dominant form of this human pituitary growth hormone. All the test data shows that MET-rhGH has the same physical and chemical properties, biological activities, clinical effects and safety as compared natural rHGH."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    yes it is 192 amino chain. Jin is synthetically created to match the genetic amino chain of 191 to the human body unlike the 192 chain that I think was created in china. Either way, I have known many users that went ahead and tried it with bad results like a red burning sensation at injection site. I do believe through studies it was shown the body built up a resistance. I would go with jin.

  5. #5

    what should i take then

    so which one should i take then?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by paul12001
    so which one should i take then?
    the popular consensus in jino...

  7. #7
    Go with the jino.If you can't afford 800ius your wasting your time. I did 500ius over 6 months for my first go around and never really noticed any difference at all. IMO 5ius/day for atleast 6 months to see any muscle mass.

  8. #8
    go with the jino

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