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Thread: cycle help and PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question cycle help and PCT

    Firstly - my first post on here. Secondly, first AAS cycle.

    I will say before people moan at me, that I have read and researched on what I am about to ask. But, the more posts I read, the more confused I get !! So many people arguing etc ! So, what I am after is a quick answer (Maybe its not perfect but hey?!?) to the following because I start my cycle in 2 days time and my mind is now bamboozled with diff info from all over !

    Here goes -

    Cycle - Sus250mg per week (1shot on mon)
    Deca200mg per week (1 Shot on wed)
    Dianabol daily
    Nolva every 3rd day @ 20mg

    Heres the first Q -

    1) people are arguing whether or not its good to do sus ed or eod or eotd as oppose to once per week. I have bought my gear now and only have 12amps. I htought, to compromise now after buying, that I could maybe break the bottle, draw out half in one syringe and inject it. The other half drawn up and sealed in another syringe. I would then take the second half 3/4days later. This is an option and the Q is, what is the best way to use up 12 bottles over the above 10wk cycle ??

    2) Should I pyramid the dianabol? If so, i was originally pyramidding up to 9 x 5mg tabs per day. Im now thinking this too high ? If so, what is the best amount to go up to ? maybe 5tabs per day ? Also, Im assuming I just split them up through day evenly ? 1 to take before the gym ?

    3) When should I start PCT? Some say straight after the 10wk cycle, others say wait for the sus to run off about 14days after the last injection?

    4) Will HCG do me anything to keep the gains if I use it also ? If so, how much and when ? Please bear cost in mind !!

    Again, Im sorry if they seem
    Q's that have been answered many times already but, like I said, there is so much confusing reading all the other posts etc that I'd rather just hear it straight.

    Thanks for your help


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Why sus and deca at those doses, you would be better off doing 250 of sus every 5 days, forget about the deca for now. You don't need the d-bol it's you first cycle and nolva needs to be run every day.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Drop the deca

    Run dbol at 30-35mg ED for first 4 weeks

    Nolva 10mg ED

    1) Atleast shoot the sust twice a week (half ml on monday morning and half ml on thursday night)

    2) Dont pyramid

    3) Start Pct 17-21 days after last sust injection

    4) No need for HCG

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    if he only does the sust with good pct he is still not going to keep all the gains. if the deca is used he will be able to keep more.
    not true... Yes he WILL gain more with deca added but he will end up losing more after the cycle (the muscle loss from test and the muscle loss from deca) However say he gained 15 and kept 10 on a test only cycle and on a test/deca cycle he gained 20 and kept 13, hes still 3 pounds heavier but lost 7 pounds as compared to 5 pounds. Does this make sense?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    even if he does the deca, isnt that dose really low (200mg/wk)?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    even if he does the deca, isnt that dose really low (200mg/wk)?
    yeah its a low dose, but the test is only at 250mg a week so

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    steroid stack

    Thanks for the replies so far guys.

    Just thought I'd mention that no matter what happens, the cycle I will be doing is Sus/deca/bol. I'm not meaning to ignore your advice on this but this is what I would like to be because of many reasons. firstly, I've used M1T in the past as well as some other PH's so I am a little experienced in hormones. Also, I dont intend on doing another bulking cycle because all I want to gain is just over 1st but from then on I want to harden and burn fat but stay at that weight. Also, this was originally a highly recommended stack from various sources, from that I bought the gear and dont want to change things now. You may be right, I may gain on the stack you's say, but then maybe I will gain just as much on mine - if not more ?? who knows.

    The cycle I got from "The laymans Guide to Steroids - by Mick Hart". I like his theories and there is a lot of experience put into the book so Ill stick with his theories on the dosages - more isnt necessarily better.

    Anyway, back to things. From the posts Ive read so far on here, I will use the SUS 0.5ml twice a week, until people say otherwise maybe. I am assuming doing what I said with regards to splitting it is OK ??
    I will also not pyramid the BOL. I have 500tabs to last me 10weeks, if Im not going to pyramid then how many should I use each day?
    I wont bother with HCG.
    I will start PCT 2weeks after last SUS just to make things simple.
    My Nolva tabs are 20mg, so shall I take 1 every 2 days or split it in half and have half everyday whilst on cycle ?

    Thanks again everyone I look forward to reading more.

    P.S. These forums are so much better than ************* ones - people flame u just for the sake of it on there !!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Nolva on cycle

    Just one more thing regards the Nolva, in another post, someone said this -

    "pyramiding the dbol is foolish. using nolva from the start is a waste and will inhibit gains."

    How true is this ? Someone also said using Nolva while on cycle will "Nolva every day throughout the cycle reduces IGF by 20%" - this is about how Nolva on cycle reduces gains.

    Thanks again

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Sorry !! Just one more question !!

    The dianabol - when is the best time to take it ? I'm going to split it up into 3 through the day but want to know whether its best for one lot to be just before the gym of just after ? or bedtime or what ever's best ??

    Thanks again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Another thing for you's to know. One of the main reasons Im taking the Deca for sure is because I have problems with my left shoulder and Im hoping it helps it while on cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Ok Ive got everything from Diet to my cycle and supps in excel format. I would appreciate it if people could see it but I dont think that can be done on here ? Maybe I could send to those interested via email or msm? Anyway, the Dianabol is used at 2 in the morn, 2 before gym, and 2 before bed.

    Using the VAR at the end sounds like a good idea if I can get the cash for it. Also, with me having more BOL tabs than I need, I was going to run them for an extra 2 weeks after main cycle. This would be in the period that the SUS will be wearing off before I started PCT. Does this sound OK or is it either bad or a waste of time ??

    Is it safe to do 10weeks of this cycle then straight onto another 6 weeks of VAR ?? With no PCT in between ? It's all very confusing !!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    do you really plan on runnin the dball for 10 weeks? 4-6 weeks max. Better get on the liver transplant list now.

    What are you doing for PCT? You keep asking about it, but you havent told us what you are taking?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo
    P.S. These forums are so much better than ************* ones - people flame u just for the sake of it on there !!
    Actually we didnt flame you just for the sake of it, we flamed you b/c we tried to help and you basically told us we were full of sh*t and everything we told you was bs. Y'all can read the posts here and see why he got flamed

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    Actually we didnt flame you just for the sake of it, we flamed you b/c we tried to help and you basically told us we were full of sh*t and everything we told you was bs. Y'all can read the posts here and see why he got flamed

    Typical 1fast member - only comes on to flame a person.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    And ignoring all that. It would seem that its not a good idea to use BOL for 10wks never mind 12wks like I just asked about above so I think I will give that idea a miss.

    As to LH's Question - yes I do intend on doing it for that period of time at 30mgs per day. Anyone else trhink this is a bad idea ??

    As for PCT I am going to start using 6-OXO (I know some like and some hate) as soon as my cycle finishes for 2 weeks, then Ill be doing nolva at 10mg per day for 2wks (Open to ideas on time period needed?) along with clenbuterol over this 4 week period at 2/3tabs per day.

    Please look at this and help if it is wrong because if anything I want to get my PCT right in order to keep most of my gains.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thats 2 days on and 2 days off for the clen at 3tabs per day sorry - again please give oppinions on this because like everything else, there are so many diff sides as to how to use this.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Read this about PCT. Dont waste time or money on 6OXO, its crap. You wont keep any of your gains with it!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Do only 4 weeks of dbola 5 weeks MAX. As for the clen search "Clen Handbook". And get clomid and nolva for pct.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Just with regards to that post from LH. My PCt needs to include 30 days of Nolva, arimidex AND Clomid ?? Thats going to be a huge cost for me! A question though. After reading that whole post you gave me, I think the conclusion shows that Nolva does not raise LH and T levels significantly enough BUT Clomid does AND the combination of all the 3 above makes for better PCT as they work synergistically. But, where does HCG compare if it was used as PCt with Nolva ?

    I think I will get one box of clomid and one of arimidex to combine with the Nolva in my PCT, OR, maybe just get some HCD to go with it??

    Are you all sure 5weeks is the MAX on Dianabol ???

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Right Ive decided after reading this - that I am going to use Nolva and Clomid in the follwing way 3weeks after last sus/deca injection.

    Day1 300mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day 2-11 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day12-21 50mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex

    Just one thing regards this though, should I use anything in this 3wk period before my PCT ?? What about the Clenbuterol ??(Which is getting a 2wk on/2wkoff running for 8 weeks)

    My diet is still going to stay high also with cals and protein.


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    My diet plan for the whole 10weeks

    I will be sticking to this meal plan give or take a little depending on circumstances etc. I am open to criticism on this though - that is why Ive paced it on a post (Although I may not be in the correct area ??)

    the picture may not even show up yet ?!? Just a test !!

    Think I may need to include this link -

    My Diet Plan

    My first Week Plan of AAS

    Hope this all seems OK anyways
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