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Thread: any self employed in retail?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    any self employed in retail?

    Anyone here have there own retail store, and makes take home income of at least $10k/mo?

    I work in a corporate environment, and have for 8 yrs now, and although I make okay money, I am kind of tired of it. I sometimes wonder about opening a retail store, but would need to make at least $10K/mo to be able to survive, and not lower my std of living.

    I thought about a cosmetics store. Anyway, if anyone has any experience with this let me know. Thanks.

  2. #2
    What you do in corporate to make 10K even that is rare now adays. If you open a convenience store you can still make 8K if youre smart and get a good store. Some stores still make 40-80K a month in profit but they are big bucks now and hard to find. profits are dwindling becuase of low profit margins. Look at working all day though if you want to bring home any decent bread. Try to get one in a low income neighbourhood with stead customers that frequent your store and have lack of tranportation those tend to do the best. Also ones that come with a mcdonalds in it are great. Go ask a business broker, they usually have a few. Believe or not those indian guys you see working at the quickie mart are usually millionaires.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Be Real
    What you do in corporate to make 10K even that is rare now adays. If you open a convenience store you can still make 8K if youre smart and get a good store. Some stores still make 40-80K a month in profit but they are big bucks now and hard to find. profits are dwindling becuase of low profit margins. Look at working all day though if you want to bring home any decent bread. Try to get one in a low income neighbourhood with stead customers that frequent your store and have lack of tranportation those tend to do the best. Also ones that come with a mcdonalds in it are great. Go ask a business broker, they usually have a few. Believe or not those indian guys you see working at the quickie mart are usually millionaires.
    I didnt get that part of 10K in corp being rare. Is that little, or good? Thanks for the reply. I was wondering about that, if they made good money.

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