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Thread: T3 and Clen

  1. #1

    Thumbs up T3 and Clen

    I have just received liquid (oral) forms of both T3 and Clen and would like to know how I take them? Do I place the drops on my tongue together, separately, and how many. I also am taking deca with this. Your help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    You just measure out your dose with the oral syringe and squirt anywhere in your mouth. You can take both at the same time. I would NOT recommend taking the clen on an empty stomach, though. It will kick in in about 20 minutes and be a full force. Are you taking deca only?

  3. #3
    Thank you very much . . . do you know how many drops of each? Should I be taking more than just deca with all of this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So. Cal
    pretty much everyone on this site will tell you to take some form of test....taking deca alone is not a good idea, IMO.....Deca will shut your body down hard and can also cause "deca dick." I gather that you are trying to lose bf since you're using clen and T3....My suggestion is to run some Test E, Deca, the Clen/T3, and you really need some anti e's and a good PCT for the end of your cycle....As bmwrob said, don't take the clen on an empty stomach......

    I mean this to to be helpful, so don't take it wrong, but I strongly suggest you do a lot of research on this site...You really need to know what this stuff is doing to your body....Good luck Bro...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ppipke
    Thank you very much . . . do you know how many drops of each? Should I be taking more than just deca with all of this?
    Yes, I do know how many drops of each, but the point of this board is for you to do research on the compounds that you choose to put into your body so you know exactly what they will do to you. Try the search button in the upper left hand corner and do a search for "The Clenbuterol Handbook". As for the deca... that one I will tell you straight out.... deca will shut down your natural test production rather quickly leading to what is referred to as "DECA DICK". That is when you can't get it up. This is the reason that test is the base of any cycle. Also, deca causes progesterone levels to increase which will lead to your nipples becoming sore and producing liquid. Eventually this will lead to gyno (bitch tits). I also assume that if you havn't done any research on the deca and clen that you havn't done any research on the T3 either. My suggestion is to stop everything right now and do alot more research before you begin again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So. Cal
    also, we really need more info to help more:

    is this your first cycle?
    How long have you been training?
    What is your diet like?
    what are your stats?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So. Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by bmwrob
    Yes, I do know how many drops of each, but the point of this board is for you to do research on the compounds that you choose to put into your body so you know exactly what they will do to you. Try the search button in the upper left hand corner and do a search for "The Clenbuterol Handbook". As for the deca... that one I will tell you straight out.... deca will shut down your natural test production rather quickly leading to what is referred to as "DECA DICK". That is when you can't get it up. This is the reason that test is the base of any cycle. Also, deca causes progesterone levels to increase which will lead to your nipples becoming sore and producing liquid. Eventually this will lead to gyno (bitch tits). I also assume that if you havn't done any research on the deca and clen that you havn't done any research on the T3 either. My suggestion is to stop everything right now and do alot more research before you begin again.
    Well said bmwrob -- I agree with you 100%.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by c5529
    Well said bmwrob -- I agree with you 100%.
    Thanks, you have a PM.

    Also, to the origional poster.... I did not mean to come across so harsh, but it is true. 95% of all of the bad stuff that you read about and hear about steroids being and doing bad things to people are from the people that just injected the stuff without any knowledge of what it would/should do to them. This board and the people on it are here to help educate people on the proper/ safest way to use these compounds so that they do not damage themselves forever. Please keep this in mind as you read what people post on here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    bmwrob is on the money

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    hey guys wassup...... i was wondering im 18yrs old and i want to get cuz i cirrently weight 183.4 with 17inch biceps im 5'11" and have about 9% what should i do take whats safe whats not if someone can give me some insight on this it would be great.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Exclamation Need Some Advice

    hey guys wassup...... i was wondering im 18yrs old and i want to get cuz i cirrently weight 183.4 with 17inch biceps im 5'11" and have about 9% what should i do take whats safe whats not if someone can give me some insight on this it would be great.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    creatine and glutamine...youre too young for gear...wait at least 2 years, youl be happy u did

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    thanks but creatine blows you up with water to much i want to get ripped with abs and the horse shoe triceps with weins on the biceps that type of **** withouf losing muscle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    well actually in august i did 10 weeks uf sustenon250 and premo 100 i went up to as high as 3 shots of both with the schedual looking like this 1-2-2-2-3-3-2-1-1

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    what is e/c/y

  16. #16
    Stay away from the gear until you have done ALOT more research because it sounds like you are not to realistic about your goals. Also, it's not polite to jack someone else's thread. If you have a question start your own thread on the subject.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The DOJO

    Please Read!

    before you use t3 get your thyroid tested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dont know how to stress the EXTREEM IMPORTANCE OF THIS,
    I just used T3 and did everything by the book, it did not work and I think I might have fked up my thyriod.
    I thought I was invincible and could handle anything. I got humbled very quickly.

    With clen I recomend you take vitamin K and Taurine.
    and more research on it.

    Good luck!

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