I found this artical in Muscle Mag.
The Half Repper- As the name implies, this jabronie absolutely never completes a full rep, regardless of the exercise. He is notorious for putting way too much weight on the bar and completing half a rep, if he's lucky. This often is most obvious when he attacks the squat rack. After making a great show of putting three plates on each side of the bar, he only squats down a whopping six inches! And he wonders why his legs wont grow.
The 80's Bodybuilder- This bodybuilding throwback just cant get past the fact that the 80's have come and gone...especially when it comes to bodybuilding fashion. He must have absolutely every possible pair of baggy clown pants ever designed hanging in his closet. You'll also catch him wearing those silly ragtops that show half of his underdeveloped pecs, plus those dated shoes that look like high top ballet slippers
The Screamer- This wannabe bodybuilder has to be one of the most annonying of all gym freaks. He wants everyone to know he's big, strong, and hardcore. To accomplish this he indulges in completly unnecessary howls. With each rep, he grunts,groans, and screams louder and louder, untill finally-when the set is over-he stands up to see how many people saw hs incredible performance...Not!
Mr.ILS- Everyone, and I mean everyone has seen at least one Mr. ILS or Mr. Imaginary Lat Syndrome. This is the clown who looks like he's carrying a watermelon under each arm, supposedly trying to convince the rest of us that his back is so big he cant put his arms down by his side. If only these buffoons knew how ridiculous the looked.
The Upper Bodybuilder- Up to 75 percent of every single gym is made up of "Upper Bodybuilders". One guy I knew was also known as The Flamingo or The Tank Top. Why? Because of his chicken legs and nonexistent calf development. The name says it all. This joker only trains his upper body. You'll never see these guys in a pair of shorts. If by chance you do, it's those Bahama shorts that go past the knee.
I see more Half Reppers and the Upper Bodybuilder.