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Thread: clen question

  1. #1

    Question clen question

    My wife has been taking clen for 1 week now and her sex drive has gone through the roof. Is this normal? Has anyone ele experienced this? How long does it last? Not that I'm complaining I'm just curious.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Interesting lol......... is it liquid clen? Maybe they sent you viagra or cialis by accident

    But in all seriousness I've never heard of clen having those effects

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    The Heat
    I haven't heard of that but if someone shows it's true I'm gonna slip my wife some!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Welcome to AR by the way

  5. #5
    no it's a pill

  6. #6
    2 of her friend's have started a clen cycle and they are both in heat too. We are curious if any other females have had the same side effects?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Toronto, Canada
    Thats weird. I have never heard that happening before. I'm using the liquid form and it's definatly not giving me that effect. Did it come in the original packaging?? Maybe you were sent the wrong stuff. Is she expriencing any other side effects?? Try to post a pick if you can. I'm really curious now.

  8. #8
    It came tape up in plastic inside a cut out book. But she has experienced all other side effects that is outlined in the profile and she is getting cut up. She just has a higher sex drive. I could post a pic of the actual pills if you'd like.

  9. #9


    strong anticatabolic / thermalgenic.
    reported sides: headache, high BP and elevated body temp usually starting after 8-12 days. Body adapts to clen quickly so on/off periods are needed for successfull results...1-2 tabs daily ( 2on / 2 off and monitor body temp )
    Average reported dosage (quoting L.Rea) 80-100mcg per day
    looses effectiveness after only 2 weeks as beta-2-receptors it interacts with are sensitive(adrenalgenic receptors)
    best results obtained by rotating weekly with Ephidrene/caffeine
    Oddly, it appears that DNP and thyroid hormones help regenerate adrenalgenic recptor function

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