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Thread: gh and nolvadex

  1. #1

    gh and nolvadex

    Should I use the Nolvadex with the gh or no????
    GH-4ius 4on 2 off
    750mg sus
    800mg deca
    d-bol 50 mg

    Also should I take a week off the gh after the 4 weeks?? Is there any certain diet I should follow or is it ok to stay to my poor mans diet (eat what you can afford) this is why I have elected to keep away from the slin??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hey bro,

    My advise would be to pull up past threads posted by Red Baron , Johnny B, & Gear. There are a few other guys I'm forgetting about right now. However these guys have a wealth of knowlede for all of us. Good Luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    As far as the AS portion of your cycle. I would post it in the steroid question forum. I'm no expert so I would not presume to crytique you cycle as it is.

    However, as far as the GH, most people will reccomend that you run it for at least 24 weeks. On a schedule of 5days on 2 days off or 6 days on 1 day off.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by incredible bulk
    Should I use the Nolvadex with the gh or no????
    GH-4ius 4on 2 off
    750mg sus
    800mg deca
    d-bol 50 mg

    Also should I take a week off the gh after the 4 weeks?? Is there any certain diet I should follow or is it ok to stay to my poor mans diet (eat what you can afford) this is why I have elected to keep away from the slin??
    What are your stats, cycle history, etc.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    What are your stats, cycle history, etc.

    I am 5'9" 292lbs. The only way I can explain my body fat is that I look like the strongmen on tv. Solid up top and at the legs, but pudge at the bottom of the abs. I can see the top 4 abs if that helps just not so visible at the bottom. I know this probably dont help,but its the best I can do. I have been cycling for about a year now. I think I let them talk me into this without knowing the seriousness of the product. Looking for the quick fix to size and cut, but I have now done it on my own without gh. Its cost me to much though to let it go to waste. Just being honest.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    At 5' 9 and 292 you are already one big fu**er. I know what you mean about already having it and not wanting to waste it. If i were you i would probably just run 2iu a day for the fat burning effect since you are already so big.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by BodyMechanic
    At 5' 9 and 292 you are already one big fu**er. I know what you mean about already having it and not wanting to waste it. If i were you i would probably just run 2iu a day for the fat burning effect since you are already so big.

    Thanks, this is probably the biggest help, seriously. I also was wondering if I NEED to take T3??? I read something on here last night about it and it said only if 4ius, but I cant find it now. Again thanks, bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Wait to see if you have any nipple issues. If so, get your E checked. May need ADex or Nolve depending on E. My E is usually ok, but the GH causes nipple issues. So I need Nolva with GH.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nsashbl
    Wait to see if you have any nipple issues. If so, get your E checked. May need ADex or Nolve depending on E. My E is usually ok, but the GH causes nipple issues. So I need Nolva with GH.
    Not sure where you are coming from with this advice. Whilst I am a big supporter of using nolva with any test cycle, gh does not require nolva in any way as it does not convert to estrogen.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Not sure where you are coming from with this advice. Whilst I am a big supporter of using nolva with any test cycle, gh does not require nolva in any way as it does not convert to estrogen.
    Toolman, I was giving advice based on my experiences with GH. Generally I use Adex with test and never need Nolva. As little as 2iu's a day gives me nipple issues, (knots) without elevating my E. My doc confirmed, this can happen for some people. Yes, GH can cause gyno in some. I am very gyno sensitive, and it surprises me, but GH does give me issues. I am was on 2iu for 2 months and 4ius for almost 4 months. Daily Nolva is required in my case.

    Gyno is not only caused by Estrogene, but homonal changes in general. When I first had issues, I ran complete bloodwork. My E was not high, so lowering E would be a bad move. So Nolva was my docs choice....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nsashbl
    Toolman, I was giving advice based on my experiences with GH. Generally I use Adex with test and never need Nolva. As little as 2iu's a day gives me nipple issues, (knots) without elevating my E. My doc confirmed, this can happen for some people. Yes, GH can cause gyno in some. I am very gyno sensitive, and it surprises me, but GH does give me issues. I am was on 2iu for 2 months and 4ius for almost 4 months. Daily Nolva is required in my case.

    Gyno is not only caused by Estrogene, but homonal changes in general. When I first had issues, I ran complete bloodwork. My E was not high, so lowering E would be a bad move. So Nolva was my docs choice....
    I know there are other issues that can cause gyno such as progesterone, but I was not aware of any gyno resulting from gh. I have heard a few guys claim it, but they were always running other gear so I always figured that is where the problem was.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    I know there are other issues that can cause gyno such as progesterone, but I was not aware of any gyno resulting from gh. I have heard a few guys claim it, but they were always running other gear so I always figured that is where the problem was.
    Yea, it sucks. Fortunatly the positives of GH are worth it!

  13. #13
    Ok,ok. What I need to know is, will the novadex lower the effect of the gh?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by incredible bulk
    Ok,ok. What I need to know is, will the novadex lower the effect of the gh?
    Nolvadex works by competing with estrogen for the estrogen receptors. I am not sure3 why gh would cause gyno for anyone, but it would not have anything to do with estrogen that I can see so no, nolva would not help. In fact, some would argue that Nolva would hinder any positive gh results as nolva will reduce your igf values which is what you are trying to increase with gh.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Nolvadex works by competing with estrogen for the estrogen receptors. I am not sure3 why gh would cause gyno for anyone, but it would not have anything to do with estrogen that I can see so no, nolva would not help. In fact, some would argue that Nolva would hinder any positive gh results as nolva will reduce your igf values which is what you are trying to increase with gh.
    Thanks, bro.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by incredible bulk
    Ok,ok. What I need to know is, will the novadex lower the effect of the gh?
    Yes, it lowers the effect for me but I have no choice. GH gives me gyno and does not really effect my E. So I have to take Nolva with GH. (I have a very experienced doc that has worked on this with me.)

    My IGF level was around 340 on 4iu. Should have been way higher, but the Nolva knocked it down a bit.

  17. #17
    nsashbl is right. GH can def cause gyno in some. this is listed as a side effect in many inserts that come with GH kits, there are also books written by doctors that confirm this(grow young with hgh, by ronald klatz) i dont get gyno, but my nips def get puffier when im on gh.

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