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Thread: PGF2a.... PWO only?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt

    Arrow PGF2a.... PWO only?

    Ok, this stuff makes me feel like total crap for an hour, that I have to take a crap for ~2 hours, and hurts so bad I cant hardly walk for 3 hours... by the 4th hour its all gone, so weird. Anyway if I just used it PWO on my calves, think its worth the time? I mean I could do what Im doing now for a little bit longer but not much. Which is pwo shoot 1.25mg in each calve, 4 hours later shoot again and then go to sleep, then one more time when I wake up in the morning... then a later day start all over.

    Later on I will add some huIGF to this, but for now I will just use the PGF2a.

    So for those of you in the know, what do you know?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i cant answer your question but i was considering using this stuff but the more i read on it the more i dont think i wanna touch it lol...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i know a bit about this stuff..... but havn't tried it 1st hand yet.....

    from what i understand.... you hafta inject it quite frequently...... BUT.... if i were in your shoes... i would got he route that you want and kind of experiment and see if you get growth.

    i mean... it' HAS to do something........ just might be a lesser effect. The thing about this stuff is.... not too many people have tried it... so your best bet would be toe xperiment with yourself... and keep us posted on your progress....

    i say go for it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Well because there is not a ton of info, Im going to opt to do what Haz said. I am just going to try it and see... I mean my calves hardly grow.... I have been at the same size just leaner for about 6 months now... they are always sore so I know Im doing it correctly.

    Well this month slin will be used, so if it helps the PGF2a out then cool deal.

    I plan on shooting PWO and maybe once again that night...

    Haz, I hope youre right, it has to do something, other than hurt like a bitch!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yeah i would def try to shoot atleast twice...... right before bed tho might not be a good idea LOL....... yah get hot when on it... and then yah gotta sh*t..... NO DICE.....

    maybe the morning after ur workout? and then PWO...... so a morning shot and then a PWO shot.... i would try to do that..... If not..... then PWO.... and then as soon as the side effects wore off... i'd do another shot LOL......

    sucks no matter how u look at it LOL

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    good point bump

  7. #7
    I knew those calf shots would leave ya hurting. I only tried them once and said never again. While I was cutting (AAS/clen/T3) I used it pwo only in the chest and worked up to 9mg split bilaterally with slin. Now I'm using DNP and slin and that's hard enough to work out the carbs without trying to include PGF2-A in the mix.

    I'm considering using it sometime with 15mg Test suspension, 5-10mg PGF2-A, 12mcg IGF-1 and maybe 10mg of tren base shot in the pecs bilaterally 5x per day with slin pwo.

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