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Thread: Are these correct readings?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Are these correct readings?

    When I was on my high carb/high glycemic diet. My blood glucose was always be at tops...85. But then start to drop steadily. But now I switched over to a low carb/low glycemic diet. And my blood glucose reader said that my blood was at 100. Is this right? Why would my blood be at 100 if I'm eating low glycemic carbs? Or is this normal?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    I can think of a couple of reasonable scenarios that would make sense, depending on the timing of your readings The first is that when you eat high carb, high glycemic foods, you prompt an insulin spike. That insulin spike will lower the blood glucose levels, but your insulin level will remain elevated for a couple of hours after disposing of the glucose from your blood and back to reasonable levels. If you took a reading a couple of hours after a high glycemic meal, your level could be low if you are reasonably insulin sensitive.

    On a low glycemic / low carb diet, you aren't getting the insulin spike you were getting before, so the number wouldn't necessarily drop so radically. A reading of 100 is still in the normal range. Another possibility is if you have recently upped you dosage of HGH, it can assist in creating a hyperglycemic state, so your blood glucose levels are going to be a bit higher all the time. It can also cause a bit of insulin resistance, which would make it more difficult for your body to lower a high blood glucose level.

    Those are the scenarios that I can think of off the top of my head. In a nutshell though, if your reading isn't much above 100 ... you are perfectly normal.
    Ok. But I forgot to mention this. At one point today out of the blue, I felt weird. Hands started to somewhat shake. So I took my blood again and this time it said 60! I ate only half an apple and within 1 minute I felt fine! Weird!

    I have been taking r-ALA all day too. Don't know if that would throw anything off. BTW....if GH is great for fat loss, well can really benefit us BBs if its going to get us insulin resistant? Is this the reason why when taking high amounts of GH during cutters....carbs should be kept at a minimum?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    Alpha Lipoic Acid in decent enough doses (greater than 300mg per day) as well as chromium piccinolate can increase insulin sensitivity. I am not sure what the rest of your cycle looks like, but I have experienced similar incidents when running low/no carb while on certain cycles. Just working out as hard as you have to in order to prepare for a contest can make you run hypo if you are no-carbing it. When your body is using fats for fuel, it is much more work.

    HGH won't necessarily make you insulin resistant .... but it certainly has the potential to do so. For me, it has made my average BG readings run from the lower end of normal to the higher side of normal bordering on hyperglycemia on occasion.

    I think if you found the people that haven't had much success with HGH and tested them, you would find that they probably had a problem with either insulin resistance or thyroid suppression ... or something else of that sort. That is really the issue with anything we take. For it to work well for us, we really need to monitor ourselves to make sure everything is running optimally. It sounds like you are on the right track monitoring yourself. Everyone runs a little bit different. Monitoring to see how certain substances effect US helps us to build effective cycles that work for our individual body chemistry.
    I have been taking 100mgs of r-ALA with 5 of my 7 meals. Each of those 5 meals only being between 30-40mgs of low glycemic carb. Just don't know why today 1.5 hours after my lunch...I felt hypo. And I was hypo according to the BG reader. Half an apple made me feel better in about 1 minute flat!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Good answer RB. Both r-ALA and chromium is reported to increase insulin sensitivity and 500mgs daily is fairly a high dose. If you take chromium do not take a high dose because it is toxic.

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