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Thread: Gh First timer

  1. #1

    Gh First timer

    I've been on Test-e for 6 weeks now.. My 2nd cycle started with prop both times. I'm interested in gh for its fat loss and strength gains. I'm 6'3" 310. 38" waist. Is a 12 week cycle going to do much or would it be a waste of money do you think. Looking to take cyp or T-e and deca during.

    Also this source calls them kits. I guess they have 6 10ml vials 3 with powder and 3 with the solution. Says 1 ml a day. Not sure about the IU/ml deal... Any help or redirection is welcome.


  2. #2

    Two ways to take GH

    I have heard of two ways to take GH, thought the vast majority lean toward the first -

    1) Low doses for at least 6 months, have it in your system at least 1 week before the cycle so your levels can raise to take advantage of the test. At this point, the GH will kick in as the test is leaving, so there will be little benefit from stacking the two

    2) Some people I know take very high doses of GH at the peak time of their cycle for 5 days or so - Basically they go through a kit very quickly at a critical time. They say it works wonders though I'm not sure why or how it could work. If this is correct however, you would be OK.

    Hope that helps,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Go with LR3 if you want to run a short cycle


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