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Thread: Which oral should i take? Newbie please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Which oral should i take? Newbie please help

    im debating on which of the following i should take...

    Methanabol, oxydrol, dianabol, turanabol, winny, and stanabol

    its my first cyle, and ive done a lot of research and now im looking for first-hand advise from people who have used these. which would be the best for a novice? Im looking for sunbstantial, but qualtity gains. Id like to pack on some lean mass that isnt all bloat, so which would best help me achieve this? i understand that winny is primarily used amoung bb's in cutting cycles, and im not trying to get cut right now, im looking for mass. Also, which one of these is the least harmful on my liver? Would stacking any of the above together be a good option, if so which ones? Again, im looking for quality gains that wont diminish when the cycle os over, so what advise would those of you who have experienced with these compunds suggest to a newbie like myself? I greatly appreciate all responses, thank you.

  2. #2
    you shouldnt take orals on your first cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Are you doing an oral only cycle?? If so I would re-consider and do more reading on why it isn't such a good idea. Just my $.02

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ...please repost your entire cycle...if youve done the research you say I know you are not doing an oral only cycle...I tried it once when I was younger and dumber...not worth the money and time!...if you give us the rest of this info we will then be able to give more quailty feedback...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Jessica Albas' ASS
    the only orals only thats worh a shlt is 69

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    so u guys are implying that oral steroids are not effective? or they are more harmful? or what why are you just saying that they are bad thats not very helpful to me, reasons???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    winny and stanabol, methanabol and dianabol are the same thing. they are all a little harmful on the liver cause they are 17aa. turanabol is getting popular but is expensive. so say its like anavar and dbol together in one ,dbol will blow oyu up but you will most likely lose it cause its most water weight, oxydrol are the strongest and has the most side effects, winny is ok but a lot of people have problems with dried out joints. i dont get that effect from it so i like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile
    im debating on which of the following i should take...

    Methanabol, oxydrol, dianabol, turanabol, winny, and stanabol

    its my first cyle, and ive done a lot of research and now im looking for first-hand advise from people who have used these. which would be the best for a novice? Im looking for sunbstantial, but qualtity gains. Id like to pack on some lean mass that isnt all bloat, so which would best help me achieve this? i understand that winny is primarily used amoung bb's in cutting cycles, and im not trying to get cut right now, im looking for mass. Also, which one of these is the least harmful on my liver? Would stacking any of the above together be a good option, if so which ones? Again, im looking for quality gains that wont diminish when the cycle os over, so what advise would those of you who have experienced with these compunds suggest to a newbie like myself? I greatly appreciate all responses, thank you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ok goatnuts, thanks for the reply. but why are these dudes tellin me that orals arnt good? is there any basis to this? im sure injectables are better but realisticaly not all of us want to inject ourselfs. so what is your opinion on orals and what do u make of these replies i got in regards to them. thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    orals are not necessarially bad...but by themselves you will not get any solid, longlasting results...they do put strain on your liver because your liver has process the chemical where using a injectable goes right into your system...orals are best used as part of a stack or cycle to jumpstart your growth, but if you run ex. dbol alone for 4-5 weeks you will be dissappointed about two weeks after you end it...i hate to say it friend, but if you are not ready to stick yourself at least twice a week you are not yet ready at all...

  10. #10

    oral cycle

    i am doing a all oral cycle and have gain 17lbs in 4 weeks with 2 weeks to go. i have been doing var for 4 weeks, turinabol for 2 weeks and furazabol for 1 week. its seem to be goin very well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    buckeyefootball4, do us all a favor...let us know what the results are about two weeks after this cycle...i have a hunch what you will find, but if i am wrong, educate us all

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by buckeyefootball4
    i am doing a all oral cycle and have gain 17lbs in 4 weeks with 2 weeks to go. i have been doing var for 4 weeks, turinabol for 2 weeks and furazabol for 1 week. its seem to be goin very well.
    17 pounds of puuuuuuuuuuure muscle mass I think he mainly gained in the area of his "one-pack"

  13. #13

    oral cycle

    sure i will let u guys know how things go after this cycle, its 17lb and i am leaner.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    if your set on an oral only cycle take anavar 50mg/ED for 6 weeks

    however, if you wish to go the full length then take someting like test enan/cyp at 350-500mg/wk for 12 weeks, it seems like you need to do some more research tho, all the info is here for you, just SEARCH! do searches on 1st cycle, test only etc...good luck

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    No lasting gains. Bloating. High liver toxicity. Digestive upsets. Expense. These are some of the reasons that you should not do an oral-only cycle. Your first cycle should be along the lines of 250 to 500mg/week testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate, for 10 weeks, shooting twice a week. If you truly had done your research, you would know that.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile
    im sure injectables are better but realisticaly not all of us want to inject ourselfs.
    I think you should use Cell-Tech and that's about it.


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile
    i understand that winny is primarily used amoung bb's in cutting cycles, and im not trying to get cut right now, im looking for mass. .
    If you know this by admission, why is it in your cycle plans?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    if you are willing to cross the line and use steroids but dont have the balls to use them correctly or think it is moraly wrong to stick yourself,you need to stay away from them all together. also it seems your knowledge of aas is limited and and you need to research more before you even consider using. good luck

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I would recommend testosterone (cyp or enanathate for conveinance) to ensure you adequately activate the androgen receptor. In addition, I would add dianabol, not for any "jump start effect" necessarily, but rather, for the non-AR mediated effects that will provide a synergy with the testosterone (reduction in cortisol, etc.). Basically, each steroid has its own personality, though they all remain similar. The trick is to find distinct steroids that each do their own job well, so that there is a combined effect.

    To reduce bloat, you have many options. You might want to take arimidex to reduce aromatization into estrogen, and clomid or nolvadex to block whatever estrogen manages to be formed.

    You might bloat, but you will have gained significant mass. Just don't believe what you see in the mirror, your actual gains in lean body mass are usually less than you think.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Id replace the dbol with dcon and see how that goes. lol

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    People look like they are getting nice results from turanabol. Turanabol only or turanabol plus anavar would be ok I guess. But var isn't gonna put on tremendous amounts of meat. Oral only is just restirctive of what you can do.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile
    im sure injectables are better but realisticaly not all of us want to inject ourselfs.
    you say your 225 and have a gut, obviously then your not in good shape anyway.

    oh yea, i do know the best oral out there that you can use in VERY high doses... chicken.

    if your too much of a pussy to inject yourself, then your not ready for juice at all.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    injecting if done properly is safe, easy and cost effective. The gains you get will be kept if you have pct after cycle. If your looking for mass use orals to get you started i.e week 1-4 dianabol 40mg but also use test e or cyp injection at 250-500mg pw for weeks 1-10. take nolvadex 10mg throughout and continue for a couple of weeks after. use clomid weeks 10-14 at 100mg per day (first day of clomid take 300mg). This will give you mass that you can keep.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Well thank you to those who answered me honestly and respectfully. I would like to start out with orals, just to be accustomed to the feeling of as in my body. Ill get some injectables as well though as further research has taught me that its certainly the way to go. But im not so sure of the accountability of those of you who are knocking orals saying that its a waste of time and money, because i know of several people who use orals only and look pretty good, so i guess some people here just post useless meaningless responses to increase their post count or something. I read a post by one of the admins advising members not to respond to a post with bad information, or talk out of your ass basically, and a few of you have done so on this thread. so i have established a few people anyways, in whom i will not even bother reading their posts. Thanks to those of you who responded in a meaningful fashion.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the peolpe who have posted are pretty much right. They may have been a bit harsh about the way they said it but oral only is really not worth it. Orals are very toxic to your liver and you will lose pretty much all of what you gain. I would only run orals for 4 weeks max due to liver toxixity and i dont think that is long enough to make much mass gain. Anavar is low toxicity but you will not get mass from it just strength and quality to what you already have. I dont understand your attitude. You have been advised by knowledgable people that injectables are the way to go. Why stick with orals?????

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    do a search on class I and II steroids bro.....not to mention, educate yourself on why testosterone is crucial

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Reptile
    Well thank you to those who answered me honestly and respectfully. I would like to start out with orals, just to be accustomed to the feeling of as in my body. Ill get some injectables as well though as further research has taught me that its certainly the way to go. But im not so sure of the accountability of those of you who are knocking orals saying that its a waste of time and money, because i know of several people who use orals only and look pretty good, so i guess some people here just post useless meaningless responses to increase their post count or something. I read a post by one of the admins advising members not to respond to a post with bad information, or talk out of your ass basically, and a few of you have done so on this thread. so i have established a few people anyways, in whom i will not even bother reading their posts. Thanks to those of you who responded in a meaningful fashion.
    Those bro's were only looking out for you. You will see why, when you become more educated in the game...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    upstate SC
    from a newbie to a newbie, take the advice of people on here...they know their sh*t. and dont post sarcastic responses, or people will stop helping you out with your inquiries. i have learned so much by just looking through the posts on here in just a few weeks. mad props to all you non-newbie members!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I sure wish there was a "add so-and-so to your IGNORE list" button in the thread view window. It would make life so much simpler.

    Sigh. You can lead a horse to water, but I guess you can't stop him from pooping in it.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    I guess since he's 225 with a gut the var wouldn't be such a horrible idea. With a proper diet it might help cut off some of that fat.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    chicks do oral only cycles, men use injectables!!!!!!

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