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Thread: hgh and the spine

  1. #1
    supersteve Guest

    hgh and the spine

    I've had lower back pain for about 12 months which I attribute to heavy deadlifting. I just got my lumbar spinal x-rays back and they show multiple Schmorl's nodes at the vetebral end plates - caused by degeneration of the intervertebral discs.

    I'm just wondering what effects hgh has on regenerating spinal discs? would it aggrevate my condition or make it better?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    None, if it did my back would be doing better then it is


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    hgh repairs cartilage, but spinal disks are complicated. once damaged their ability to regenerate is minimal. hgh may help with the general healing process though.

  4. #4
    supersteve Guest
    Cool, thanks for that.

    Hgh helping along the recovery process may be all that I need, because apparently these nodes go away when the body stops growing and when you take time off from sternuous exercise. So hopefully the combination of stopping deadlifts and squats as well as my hgh cycle will get rid of them, because i don't want to stop lifting all together.

    These herniated discs hamper their ability to hold water and from what i've read from guys on here hgh actually draws water into the spine? so hopefully that's true.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    It is certainly not going to hurt. I would do hyperextensions during the mean time and very controlled movement. I had something simular in my lower vertabrae and in fact have a extra half. My chiro said I am a mutant!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I have a lower back problem about once a year.. I recovered considerably faster while on HGH...

    I have noticed I heal dramatically faster and my colds / sickness last a lot less. Of course my IGF was fairly low 96 on my blood panel before HGH..


  7. #7
    In a study by Michael Lam, MD, MPH and Maria Sulindro, MD'

    skin became thicker, muscle mass increased, stomach fat reduced and lost bone from the spine was restored.

  8. #8
    supersteve Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by LL08
    In a study by Michael Lam, MD, MPH and Maria Sulindro, MD'

    skin became thicker, muscle mass increased, stomach fat reduced and lost bone from the spine was restored.
    Sounds very promising. If it can restore bone, I don't see why it would have a problem restoring cartilage.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by supersteve
    Sounds very promising. If it can restore bone, I don't see why it would have a problem restoring cartilage.

    the problem is when a disc ruptures it releases the goo inside called nucleus pulposus which is acidic and toxic so the tissue cannot regenerate. the same is true in the nervous system, thats why peripheral nerves repair themselves and larger branches of nerves cannot.

  10. #10
    Well sounds like someone is in the same boat as me. I had sever pain in my ass for a month and thought that I had damaged some nerves when pokin but come to find out that the docs think it may be a bulged disk. Don't know for sure yet untill I go get an MRI, but I can tell you one thing, I took two weeks off in the gym and showed little improvement. I have one more suggestion for you as I am going to try it out as well, go to a massage therapists, had i buddy with the same prob as me and when he went thye hit some kind of pressure point and relieved all of his symptoms the next day.

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