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Thread: IGF-1 from ER

  1. #1

    IGF-1 from ER

    It says on their web site that only Bac water should be used to dilute the Lr3 and not Ba or sterile water but how can they use Bac water wont it be degraded?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    No sources
    I dilute it in the pin.

  3. #3
    but im talking about when you dilute the powder they use bac water

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You should use AA (Acetic acid). Then use BW to inject.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    That stuff is over priced


  6. #6
    yes but still no answer to my question if they use bac water it will get degraded so any idea´why they use it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    It's their product do what they say, that way if it goes wrong you have them to blame, not one of us


  8. #8
    well seems that i wont get an answer so lets drop it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Bro, if the distributor says do it one way, why would you even ask to do it another?
    Then if we say something other then what they say and it goes wrong then you have us to blame.

    You got an answer but you won't accept it, just cause the answers not what you wanted doesn't mean it wasn't answered.


  10. #10
    First of all i didnt even say that im using their stuff because im not it was just a question but still everybody says that bac water will degrade the IGF-1 and thats my qestion does enybody know how they can use bac water because if they get the IGF from GroPep like they say they do then it makes no sence because GroPep doesent say that u should use bac water and why isnt enyone else doing it? yesterday i heard that its because its receptor grade you can use bac water but i dont know and you say if the distributor tells you to do it why do you even ask ,well i cant believe that you are asking me that because doesent it sound strange to mix it with bac water when everyone tells you not to?
    Last edited by Titan1; 04-17-2005 at 03:19 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Titan1
    First of all i didnt even say that im using their stuff because im not it was just a question but still everybody says that bac water will degrade the IGF-1 and thats my qestion does enybody know how they can use bac water because if they get the IGF from GroPep like they say they do then it makes no sence because GroPep doesent say that u should use bac water and why isnt enyone else doing it? yesterday i heard that its because its receptor grade you can use bac water but i dont know and you say if the distributor tells you to do it why do you even ask ,well i cant believe that you are asking me that because doesent it sound strange to mix it with bac water when everyone tells you not to?
    Bro I've been saying all along that those guys are shady. Here what you should ask whoever told you bw can be used because it's receptor grade. How does it being receptor grade change the structure of the LR3 IGF-1, that allows bw to be used? Because the instructions at the GroPep website on reconstitution LR3 IGF-1 doesn't specify media or receptor. Here's the kicker GenSci uses bw for reconstitution, which goes along with what I think they're selling, a chinese knock off that's not GenSci.

    I was offered to try some chinese LR3, that was supposed to be better then GroPep's media grade. Here's the kicker it was going in the 150-175 range domestic, that was for 1mg, that's cheaper then what they sell 1mg if you buy 5mg and that's the international price. Domestic they are asking up to 500 for 1mg. Their info on their HGH is copied from the anosome website, they had a pic of generic HGH as their LR3 until they got busted. I believe their HGH is that generic HGH they had pictured as their LR3. Which can be had for 960 for 600iu shipping included, not the 1500 they are asking for.

    Most of this has been posted at bolex but it mysteriously got deleted, if what I'm saying is true, which I'm pretty sure about the LR3 not being GroPep. There are a few people make lots money off of this stuff. They say they're in Aussy but you should see the prices they have for those down-under, they want like 3x the price they sell it for internationally, when they are supossed to be in the same country.


  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    They say they're in Aussy but you should see the prices they have for those down-under, they want like 3x the price they sell it for internationally, when they are supossed to be in the same country.

    That is what I have been thinking all this time. I have no idea why its so expensive here, but something doesn't sound right. Perhaps the price is too high because LR3 is very hard to come by in Aus... I don't know.


  13. #13
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    That is what I have been thinking all this time. I have no idea why its so expensive here, but something doesn't sound right. Perhaps the price is too high because LR3 is very hard to come by in Aus... I don't know.

    If it's hard to get or not should have no bearing on the price, they should sell it for the same price and if they are upping the price for that reason, they are taking advantage of the situation which is wrong.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I just purchased 12mg of IGF-1 from ER. Their products are good and they are based out of Melbourne, Australia. The reason they are selling their receptor grade IGF-1 so cheap is because they purchase the product from Gropep in extremely large quantities. As for your reconstitution question, I emailed ER about the how they are reconstituting the IGF-1 with BW and they stated it was a specialized Bacteriostatic water that has sodium chloride instead of BA. So reconstitute your product with the diluent they give you with the product. Hope this answers your Q.


  15. #15
    ok thanks

  16. #16
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Ok they probably do have a supplier in Aus, but for some reason I still don't believe they have receptor grade even though they say they do. I don't know


  17. #17
    Will we ever know...


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