do u bros think that prop at 100 mg ed and tren at 90mg ed would keep my test high enough to prevent the tren from shutting me down?
do u bros think that prop at 100 mg ed and tren at 90mg ed would keep my test high enough to prevent the tren from shutting me down?
Umm, you'll be "shutdown" no matter what. If you mean saving yourself from getting sides related to not having enough test in your system, it would be enough for some but not others. It varies and you have to experiment. Plus, that is a ton of tren. Have you run tren before? How much?
Have you done tren cycles before?
test alone will shut you down. Do you mean will it help keep your sex drive?
Hell yea, you will be shut down, but the test should help your sex drive.
yeah i meant sex drive. this is my 3rd cycle. 2nd was test e 500mg a week and tren 75mg ed and i had no sides at all. i decided to up the tren to 90mg ed on this cycle and the only reason im shootin prop at 100mg is to minimize the post injection pain. i originally was gonna do 100 tren but decided to back it sown just to keep the test higher. if any of u think the test is not high enough i will just up the test. im currently on day 10 and i know the tren will be kicking in but i dont want to lose my sex drive.
I think 100mg of Prop should be good. Remember you will actually get more of the horamone testosterone out of Prop than you will Test E due to the ester. I dont know why you chose prot to minimize pain. Prop tends to hurt too.
i chose a lower dose of prop to minimize pain as opposed to 150 mg of prop.
ohhh gotcha
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