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Thread: Injection Infection!!

  1. #1

    Injection Infection!!

    Just got back from the hospital and had a infection in my left delt!! My friend was the doc there and is into the bodybuilding scene so that end of it was ok. But i had a 102 degree temp for 3 or 4 days before i knew what was going on. BTW i use all new darts everytime the only thing i dont use new is the drawing needle and plunger. he thinks it may have come from that. What do you guys think or do you think it may have come from the gear?? this is the first time in 5 years this has happen to me. The gear i am using is quality gear eq300 and cypotest 250, oral winny. Also can i still be on my cycle while i am on 10 ten days of antibiotics?? here is a pic of the bed in the hospital room> Btw i still did heavy deads same day lol.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    If you've only gotten one infection from that particular gear then I'd say it's not because of dirty gear. When you think about it, nothing is completely sterile. There are still germs when you inject, all we can do is minimalize the chances of infection. I recall getting an infection after following text-book injection/sterilization procedures, I'd used the same vial before with no problems and was confounded. Sometimes it just happens. You take this stuff long enough chances are you're going to have an abscess or infection sometime.

    The antibiotics will not interfere. I took them in the middle of a cycle before with no problems. Why don't you just use a new syringe each time you draw? they are very cheap and quite possibly did cause your infection. good luck to you

  3. #3
    yeah i just went and got 250 new plungers and 250 18gage drawing needles to be safe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    nothing wrong with being to safe

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