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Thread: A little insulin help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    A little insulin help

    Hey bros,
    I've been trying to use insulin, and seem to keep having a little trouble with it.
    I have been taking 5 iu Humalog IM pwo, and following it up with 50 gm dex , creatine, glutamine drink. followed about fifteen minutes later by my protien drink, about an hour later I eat a lean protien, and some complex carbs. It's at about the two hour mark when I start to get hypo symptoms. I munch a roll glucose tabs, and it seems to go away for about another 30 minutes.This continues to happen for about four and a half hours after injection.
    I don't notice a difference in the Humalogs active duration when I shoot IM vs SQ.
    All last week I had this problem, and was thinking to lower the dosage to 2.5 iu's today, and see if I had the same trouble, and if so quit taking the insulin all together. Before I did, I just wanted to get some input from the bro's that know alot about this stuff.
    Thanks for the help,


  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Jul 2003
    Insulin defenitly exits your system faster when injected IM. There is a graph on here about it that shows IM VS Sub-Q. I am unsure of what the thread is called or who it was started by, but if I come across it I will post it on here for you to have a peek at.

    I have a quik question for you though... Do you go hypo 2hrs post injection? Or, do you go hypo 2hrs after you have had your first meal that consists lean protein and complex carbs?

    If you go hypo 2hrs post injection, then that is expected as Humalog is still peeking at the 2hr mark after injection. However, if you go hypo 2hrs after your first meal (which would be 3hrs post injection) then I would be surprised because by then insulin should be out of your system, or at least coming down from its peek. Even when you take Humalog Sub-Q, 3hrs post injection is when insulin is almost out of your system and isnt very effective at that time, so the chances of going hypo would be small. But then again, we must take into consideration that at that time (3hr mark post injection) even though insulin isnt very effective and is on its way to exit your system, insulin is still in your system which means it is still possible to go hypo, just not a very big chance that's all.

    Lowering the dose might help, so you might want to try that.

    Last edited by Gear; 05-03-2005 at 08:39 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks alot Gear, I'll try it after the gym tonight, 2.5 iu, and see how that goes.
    To answer your question, I was getting hypo symptoms 2 hours after injection, so only 1 hour after meal. I don't know if the injection site makes a difference, like slowing the absorbtion rate. But I have been injecting it IM into my quads.
    I'll let you guys know after tonight if I was able to get rid of the trouble I've been having, by lowering the dosage.
    Thanks for the help,


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    No worries bro, good luck and be carefull.


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