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Thread: GH message boards for those interested in anti-aging uses only?

  1. #1

    GH message boards for those interested in anti-aging uses only?

    I haven't been able to find any message boards specifically for people 35 and up who are using GH for anti-aging purposes. My mother (59) has been interested in GH before and has even purchased some of the crack oral GH supplements. Now my father (59) is interested in GH too. So are there any sites that I can send them to so they can learn about GH and anti-aging themselves? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Teegunn
    I haven't been able to find any message boards specifically for people 35 and up who are using GH for anti-aging purposes. My mother (59) has been interested in GH before and has even purchased some of the crack oral GH supplements. Now my father (59) is interested in GH too. So are there any sites that I can send them to so they can learn about GH and anti-aging themselves? Thanks.

    This might be something they may want to take up with their doctor.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    there are some reports in the over 30 section, u might wanna check them out.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    This might be something they may want to take up with their doctor.

    Good God, of course I would want them to see a doctor. I would NEVER let my parents use GH unless they were under a doctors supervision. But I do want them to learn more about long-term GH use for anti-aging purposes. It just doesn't work to send them to the steroid/com boards for this. That is why I am looking for an anti-aging GH message board so that my parents can learn more about GH first hand and not just from me telling them about it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    there are some reports in the over 30 section, u might wanna check them out.

    Thanks. I already checked those out last night. I had also read through all of those threads a few months ago. There is some decent information there, but not quite the type I am looking for. Sending my parents to the board just isn't in the cards. That's why I am looking for a specific message board designed for those taking GH long-term for anti-aging issues only. Maybe there isn't such a board out there though. So far I haven't been able to find one.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    You might want to send them to someplace like

    They have some of the more general health and anti-aging type info.

    Thanks RB. I am going to check that out... tommorrow, as I am in need of some sleep!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    There are some great books by dr. Klatz on hgh and you can get a list of anti-aging specialist in the country(usa). I myself am using it IN PART for anti-aging. Or have them contact ar sponser Oasis.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by bluethunder
    There are some great books by dr. Klatz on hgh and you can get a list of anti-aging specialist in the country(usa). I myself am using it IN PART for anti-aging. Or have them contact ar sponser Oasis.

    Thanks Blue. I am going to get the HGH book by Dr. Klatz. Sounds interesting.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron
    You might want to send them to someplace like

    They have some of the more general health and anti-aging type info.
    There's a lot of really good info on that site. Thanks again, RB!

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    We may be able to assist them in starting a HGH Therapy for anti-aging purposes. We assist many individuals at their age level in HGH therapies. We would also work out a couple discount of they are both interested in starting a therapy. You may contact us with any question we would be happy to help.

    Oasis Longevity & Rejuvenation

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