quick question for all you IGF buffs. Do I need to ween on the IGF like HGH, meaning do i have to start at a lower dose and raise it after that or can i just start at 70mcg the first day? this is my first time using IGF.
quick question for all you IGF buffs. Do I need to ween on the IGF like HGH, meaning do i have to start at a lower dose and raise it after that or can i just start at 70mcg the first day? this is my first time using IGF.
Up to you, bro. The stuff's not super cheap, so a lot of bros start at 40-50mcg to see if that yields results. For most first timers, this dose is sufficient. That's what I chose to do, personally, and I was pleased with the results.
But if you want to jump right in, I won't stop you. What are your stats?
whitey pretty much nailed it.Originally Posted by Whitey
the cost of it isn't really an issue, i just want the best results. stats are 6'2 190lbs 10% b/f. 4th cycle but first with HGH and IGF. i plan on getting 2 ML of MR IGF which will yield 2000mcg which works out perfectly for 70mcg a day for 4 weeks. I plan on doing that 3 times during my AAS cycle.
if you gonna run it together with hgh then i would start with 50mcg and keep the hgh at 2iu when on igf.
if you gonna run it without hgh then stick with 70mcg.
keep us posted on the results,
rodge, I plan on running 5IU with the IGF. any reason why you said 2 or is that minimum recommendation?
just take 2-3iu to keep sides to a minimum.
i just realized i already answered it in youre pm.
Originally Posted by rodge nl.
yep. thanks bro for your help!
you should start low to avoid sides. as your body gets more comfrotable wth it you can add more.Originally Posted by rodge nl.
that would be my hope. to start at 2IU for a few weeks and work my way up to 5 or 6. are the sides from GH that big of a deal? the sides from AAS didnt stop me from doing anything. I actually used them to my benefitOriginally Posted by MMA
Originally Posted by MMA
i ment 2-3iu when on igf no need to go any higher imo cause igf levels are allready skyhigh then. between igf up it to 4-5iu.
I bridged the two gh > ighf. I ran about 1.5-2 ius of gh and 40-50 mcgs of gh.
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