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Thread: In reference to moderator problem solving/advice provided in hgh forum...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    In reference to moderator problem solving/advice provided in hgh forum...

    with all due respect to those who are of great help and strive to make this site better everyday... recently i've been shut out instead of guided in the right direction on a thread, mostly by more experienced members and moderators. I wish we all had the credibility to be heard and be treated with patience and concern. If my point of views did not coincide with someone else in this particular case I understand but the outcome was unfair to me and this site. pls acknowlegde my reasoning. thank you

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade
    My intention was to help all the lost souls like me, who only mean well but after days and days of research still come up empty handed.....The only way to possibly achieve $2-3iu's is through a great hook up.

    poor guy, he has researched for "days and days" and still doesn't have a $2.00/iu GH hookup. this is a tragedy that it might require a little hard work and research to get something like this, instead of having it handed directly to you on a silver platter. even if it means putting all kinds of good bros at risk, as well as the board itself, god forbid this guy would have to do his own research.
    Last edited by MMA; 06-03-2005 at 06:40 PM.

  3. #3
    as you do your research, just remember to follow all the board rules and be smart about your inquiries.

  4. #4
    if he's not willing o put forth the effort to "research" the rules of the board he's on, how can we help him.

    dwayne, if you read the rules, and then bothered to "research" why we had these rules, you would understand the need for them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    "poor guy, he has researched for "days and days" and still doesn't have a $2.00/iu GH hookup. this is a tragedy..."

    MMA.... that was some funny ish. but yeah you do make a valid point, and I wouldn't want to jeapordize anything or anyone on this site. I will up my research and be a little more open minded towards sarcasm (if tasteful) and witty remarks made by senior members.

    thanx golden floyd for your input-

    I like to be honest and when someone questions that, it is hard for me to understand their intentions. I'll probably have to spend endless hours on here to prove myself. c ya keep pumping!

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