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Thread: IGF as pct or in AAS cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    IGF as pct or in AAS cycle

    I finally could find some IGF. I've searched for it a long time. For me it's also a very expensive product. I guess I can use it maximum 2 or 3 months a year.

    Right now I finished a "cutting cycle" (masteron, trenbolone, boldenone) and made some good quality gains. I want to keep my current condition the best as possible and start again in september with a deca & testo based cycle. My original plan was to use the IGF in my pct together with clomid, nolva, tribulus & clen (all to keep my gains).

    Now somebody told me it is a waste of money to use the igf in my pct. He said I should use it in my next cycle (with the testo & deca) to get the most benefit. He also says that if I use it in my pct for a month, I will lose the gains of the igf within 2 weeks (and the product is far to expensive for this short- time gains)

    Has anyone a suggestion what I should do?
    I want to make the best benefit of the product.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    if you can run 4 weeks in youre aas cycle and 4 weeks in pct.

    that would give you the best of two worlds.

    as far as losing gains from igf i would'nt worry about that,they are pretty much permanent cause of hyperplasia.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Exactly if you run 4 weeks AAS & 4 weeks PCT you cant lose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    Some people have said that they have gained muscle during PCT when using igf-1 in it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    Some people have said that they have gained muscle during PCT when using igf-1 in it.
    I have IGF from the brand Sigma. In the content I read there is acetic acid in it. Do I have to merge it with some other stuff?

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