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Thread: Doctors Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    New York

    Doctors Advice

    I am planning on doing Gh for the first time. I have read a lot on it so far but realize I still have a lot to learn before I get started. One thing I realize is that I need to be carefull with this stuff. Im not sure of all the different things I should be monitoring and exactly what to look for so I feel I should have a professional help me. How should I approach my doctor and is it possible to get him on board with me and help get insurance to pay for it? If I tell him I am going to do it does he have any kind of legal obligation to help me do it safely?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by marshall law
    I am planning on doing Gh for the first time. I have read a lot on it so far but realize I still have a lot to learn before I get started. One thing I realize is that I need to be carefull with this stuff. Im not sure of all the different things I should be monitoring and exactly what to look for so I feel I should have a professional help me. How should I approach my doctor and is it possible to get him on board with me and help get insurance to pay for it? If I tell him I am going to do it does he have any kind of legal obligation to help me do it safely?
    What will be your reasoning to your Dr. to take it? If you are perfectly healthy and have a perfectly healthy pituitary gland, then good luck. He does NOT have to help you take it. Thats like saying I want to take valium, does my Dr. have to help me take it? The answer is NO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I doubt the doc will prescribe HGH unless he finds evidence that you need it. It is just like any HRT in that they need to prove that your levels are unnaturally low before they will proceed...even then, they will not prescribe enough to make you gain massive size or get really is like a Test Script...they will not prescribe 500mg/wk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    New York
    I'm just saying that if I tell him that I am going to do it and that I want to be safe about it does'nt he have some kind of obligation as my doctor to at least monitor my blood and whatever else should be monitored. Even if he is not obligated is this something most doctors will help with?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    I doubt the doc will prescribe HGH unless he finds evidence that you need it. It is just like any HRT in that they need to prove that your levels are unnaturally low before they will proceed...even then, they will not prescribe enough to make you gain massive size or get really is like a Test Script...they will not prescribe 500mg/wk.
    um not so, totally depends on your doc. mine is small town and belive it or not he presribes me 600mg ew (test cyp) also hgh but hgh is so frkn expensive and no i dont think your ins will cover it. in fact be careful w/ ins i tried to have them cover mine and they wanted ALL my records. they almost dropped me i think

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Marshall Law, I don't know about the guys on here that get there doctors to prescribe it to them but I told my doctor that I was taking it and he was cool about it. I told him I wanted my blood work check and agreed. He asked me all kinds of questions about it. I think he wanted to know from somebody that was taking it.

    But let him know. He might not prescribe it but he will make sure that you are healthy. It might suggest that you not take it but I would think that if you are using a safe dose he will help you with it.

    That is my experience.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i have seen it prescribed many times for "anti-aging" usually to over 35 yr olds, many online docs do it as well.

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