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Thread: Check This Cycle Out and Critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Check This Cycle Out and Critique

    i think its my buddies 4th cycle he doesnt have online so im posting it up for him - hes pretty big i dont really need to get into it just tell me how you think the cycles organized and whatnot

    hes only willing to spend a certain amount of money so this is what hes got

    1-10 weeks of test ent. at 750mg/week
    1-10 weeks of finaject at 75mg EOD
    1-10 weeks of test prop at 100mg EOD

    he sees no side effects with long term fina use because i already pointed that out to him but i was wonderin is that too much test for a 4th time cycle... should he drop the ent. to 500mg a week and should he go ED with the fina and prop just half the mg

    please respond back i appreciate it greatly

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    id run it
    1-10 test en 750mg/wk
    1-10 fina 100mg eod
    1-2 prop prop

    prop and enanthate are test.. just different half-lifes
    prop is 2 days
    enanthate is 7 days

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelstar
    id run it
    1-10 test en 750mg/wk
    1-10 fina 100mg eod
    1-2 prop prop

    prop and enanthate are test.. just different half-lifes
    prop is 2 days
    enanthate is 7 days
    i like this cycle but i would run the prop weeks 10-12 as well

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    thanx alot guys u have been a big help the only thing is i got fina75mg/prop100mg all in one shot by a great underground lab and its almost the same price as id pay for just the fina so it would be so sad to not pay the very little extra and get prop in every shot... so could you please keep that in mind plus my friend has done either 1000mg or 1250 of test ent per week in a cycle so he is typically dropping it in mind that hes doing a different test which would be the prop

    so possibly this....

    prop 100mg EOD from weeks 1-10
    fina 75mg EOD from weeks 1-10
    test ent. 500mg per week 1-14

    just throwin that one out there

    also he told me he wouldnt mind throwin cytomel in there since he has 200 pills for free he said possible PCT would be obv. nolvadex throughout but after hed use the clomid letro and cytomel

    what you guys think

  5. #5
    [QUOTE=ProUser910]thanx alot guys u have been a big help the only thing is i got fina75mg/prop100mg all in one shot by a great underground lab and its almost the same price as id pay for just the fina so it would be so sad to not pay the very little extra and get prop in every shot... so could you please keep that in mind plus my friend has done either 1000mg or 1250 of test ent per week in a cycle so he is typically dropping it in mind that hes doing a different test which would be the prop

    so possibly this....

    prop 100mg EOD from weeks 1-10
    fina 75mg EOD from weeks 1-10
    test ent. 500mg per week 1-14

    So he wants to do over a gram/week but with 2 different Tests. Id run it like this if I was him:
    1-12 Test E 500mg/WK
    1-12 Fina 75mg/EOD
    1-14 Test Prop 50mg/ED

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    that would be awsome thats what he would do but like i said the prop is 100mg per shot and fina is 75mg per shot and it all comes in 1cc... so if you take half a shot of the prop u take half of the fina

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