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Thread: ???letro too

  1. #1

    ???letro too

    Hey guys... quick question. would it be a good idea to keep some letro ready to go either during my cycle or for pct just in case i see some signs of gyno?? i have clomid/nolva ready for pct, but I might want letro too. my bro has been cycling for a couple years now, and has seen some gyno develop. I just want to be safe.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    letro is always good to have on hand to double up with nolva for prevention. I wouldn't run it unless you see signs of gyno... but you could run it if you like

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Would'nt run the Letro unless you already have some signs of gyno. You should be ok with the Nolva.

  4. #4
    yeah my plans were to keep it on hand just in case i see some gyno.. not to start right away. ill stick to just clomid/nolva for now, then see what happens. i heard about the letro at ar-r.. how is that? any suggestions?

  5. #5
    actuall I don't aggree with these guys..nolva for gyno is old science...running letro or liquidex while is just smarter. not only does it keep gyno at bay it will keep the blaot and fatty deposites associated with estrogen off. That means you will have less work to do whn cutting.

  6. #6
    thanks guys for the input. i really appreciate it!

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