This one's for you Theron. I have to say that my favorite is "Fight Club", but Ed Norton's best performance is unquestionably "American History X".
Death to Smoochy
Fight Club
American History X
The People vs. Larry Flint
Primal Fear
The Score
This one's for you Theron. I have to say that my favorite is "Fight Club", but Ed Norton's best performance is unquestionably "American History X".
american history x.
American History X hands down.
I'm not an Ed Norton fan, but Rounders is the greatest movie of all time. Being an avid poker player, I try to model my life after that movie. I also like The Score.
I liked The Score also. I have never seen Rounders but I guess I'll have to check it out.Originally posted by latman49
I'm not an Ed Norton fan, but Rounders is the greatest movie of all time. Being an avid poker player, I try to model my life after that movie. I also like The Score.
Just jiving you, Deadend. But the one I could see missing was the flick he did with Ben Stiller in which Norton played a priest and Stiller a rabbi. (Yes, I admit it - I forget the title.)
My vote? American History X. he's a great actor, but after seeing him in so many mousey roles, his performance in AHX was astounding.
Keeping the FaithOriginally posted by TNT
But the one I could see missing was the flick he did with Ben Stiller in which Norton played a priest and Stiller a rabbi. (Yes, I admit it - I forget the title.)
He was also great in that movie where he played a schizo with richard gere...but my choice is American History X hands an interesting article in a musclemag (don't remeber which one) where ha was supossedly working out at Gold's gym in Cali. and Arnold was there and asked him if he juiced to get big for the role, he told Arnold that he didn't juice, he just ate everything in sight. Anyone remeber this article??? Read it like 3 yrs ago.
BR, I would be really surprised if any celebrity admitted that they use or used, look how long it took for Arnold to come out... Of course 3 week dramatic changes are natural, gift from God
O, yeah, AHX is his best IMO.
AHX definately
AHX ,but Primal Fear was fucking unreal. If you haven't seen it go check it out. You'll be guessing til the very end.
Big Rush, I remember that article as well. However, I don't know the date of the issue. However, it would havebeen pretty impossible for him to get that ripped that quick. He had stated that he got that ripped in a matter of 6-8 weeks. I don't know, but I think he lied to the Godfather of BBing.
My vote is for AHX. Best flick there is.
American History X, he is badass
American history X man i love the part on the basketballl court when he takes off his shirt that was awesome......... except for the fact he looked like a girl playing basketball you can tell he had no skills
Put your face on the say goodnight" - Now thats acting!
TNT,Originally posted by TNT
Just jiving you, Deadend. But the one I could see missing was the flick he did with Ben Stiller in which Norton played a priest and Stiller a rabbi. (Yes, I admit it - I forget the title.)
My vote? American History X. he's a great actor, but after seeing him in so many mousey roles, his performance in AHX was astounding.
Your pool of knowledge never fails to amaze me. As it turns out Edward Norton directed the movie your referring to. He also had roles in two other movies I did not put on the pole because I had never seen them, "Out of the Past", and "Everyone says I love you".
Now I'll jive you a little bit, What remake of a 1980's thriller is Edward Norton currently working on?
1. American History X
2. Fight Club
American X!
I thought the score was going to be great...what a disapointment.
American History X - w/o a doubt!
American History X but he was good in Red Dragon.
Norton did an unbelieveably excellent job in American History X. Definately his best performance.
ahx there was much more too then just violence, i liked the way he really had to reasess his beliefs and question a big influence in his life , his dad, i dont know if i could do that in real life i respect my father too much to question his charecter
American History X, awesome is as close to whats really going on in this world as it comes I think.....
cant beat his history X performance.
Red Dragon. Wow, it's such a good movie!
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