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Thread: Please Help!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    sharp end of a needle

    Please Help!!

    Hi guys i am gonna start my cycle next week, it will consist of 400mg of deca PW and 500mg of Sust PW the sust will be shot twice per week, i will be running this cycle for 12 weeks stopping the deca at week 10 and running the sust up until week 12, also i'll be having 10mg of nolvadex per day throughout cyce. The thing is i know i start pct 18 days after last sust injection but do i still run the nolvadex during the 18 days until i start pct ??

    Also what would be good for PCT ? and how long should i run it.

    Any advice will be really appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    sharp end of a needle
    Please someone give me some advice on the 18 days between coming off sust and PCT, do i still take nolva during this time ??

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