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Thread: hGH side effects listed in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    hGH side effects listed in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism

    Here is an article my doc sent me:

    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Vol 83 number 2, feb 1, 1998

    Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adulthood and the effects of Growth Hormone Replacement

    Reported side effects:

    "The most common side effects after GH treatment in GH deficient aduts are those arising from sodium and water retention. Weight gain, dependent edema, a sensation of tightness in the hands, or symptoms of carpal tunnel compression frequently occur within days or weeks. These symptoms resolve rapidly with dose reduction or occasionally disapper over several weeks without any action."

    I may currenlty be having carpal tunnel compression symptoms after 5 weeks of 8 iu's hGH. Started about a week ago. It seems to be getting better and I am going to talk to my doc on Monday about it.

    Just wanted to post this for those thinking about hGH use.

    As far as cancer goes and hGH.

    Here is what some say:

    IGF-1 like growth factors are mitogens for breast and prostate epithelial cells, therefore the inevitable question must be what is the relationship between cancer of thest organs and the level of IGF-1 in the blood? The answer are not known.

    152 patients with prostatic cancer showed higher IGF-1 levels than those without. But does this mean the IGF-1 was higher because they already had cancer?

    My doc says the link to hGH use and cancer has not been found yet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Good post, especially with all the hGH threads now. Seems like a lot of people recently became interested in it. Although my knowledge of hGH is limited compared to others, it seems to me like there have to be more long term side effects. Maybe I'm pessemistic but I have trouble believing that the side effects are so minimal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    keep this on top, interesting stuff Andro, as you know I am contemplating using hGH in my novice cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Bob Dylan
    Kevin, Andro....

    finished two weeks on gh and there is a measurable drop in bf%....about 2%.
    This sound right? My weight is up only 3-4 lbs (I am watching the diet, as I am looking to go down, not up!) noticable change in energy yet (finished 3 weeks Test cyp).
    I'll keep you updated.
    This sounds amazing, now I want to look into this more than ever. Thanks bro,

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Bob Dylan
    Kevin, Andro....

    finished two weeks on gh and there is a measurable drop in bf%....about 2%.
    This sound right? My weight is up only 3-4 lbs (I am watching the diet, as I am looking to go down, not up!) noticable change in energy yet (finished 3 weeks Test cyp).
    I'll keep you updated.
    what dosages for the 2 weeks... sounds amazing...

  6. #6
    heh i am not in any kind of shape... well maybe round... i just started 4iu ED and am hoping this does the trick on my midsection along with improving the elasticity of the skin because i got a lot of loose skin that looks gross.

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