Why would someone use winny, as a hitter and at his age, talk about the joints being painful. If he's on V I thought for sure he was on test as HRT. Something sounds funny to me, we all know that test and/or androgenic would be the drug(s) to add mass for power, but winny, it's for speed not power.
I don't know the guy so I can't vouch for him, but something doesn't sound right about this. At his age winny would be the worst choice, of all gear. I'm sure he's going to be the sacrificial lamb on this one. Winny can be orally ingested, so someone could of slipped some to him. Either way I feel for him, the congress is going to cry how could he lie to us. When they lie every day, if they would of listened to the AMA, HHS and the DEA, we wouldn't be talking about this