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Thread: Tren Shutdown.

  1. #1

    Tren Shutdown.

    Many bros say tren shuts you down hard. I was wondering at what week, when running tren acetate EOD at 100 mg, would you experience shutdown? Approximately, how small do your testicles get? Any info would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Running test with it? I actually never experienced shutdown with it- made sure i was running a test and I was fine. Some may be different though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Southern USA
    It varies with everyone, but I get shutdown within that week. ( Psychological? I don't know ) But with Test as DB mentioned , along with Tribulus and you should be okay.

    And about the testes atrophying, that also varies with everyone from what I hear.
    Some have no problems at all, but with me, man my nuts had at one time been like 1/4 the size. But they come back. Make sure to do proper PCT.

    Good luck to ya.

    BTW, I'd consider Test Prop.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I have been on tren for about 10 weeks now and I am realy not that shut down as far as my sex drive goes, I only took 50mg ED for about 6 weeks and droped it down to 30mg ED lately, just make sure you run some test prop around 75-100mg ED for that much tren and you will be fine otherwise yes you will shut down. It all depends on genetics bro.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Talking tren shut down

    hey bro, tren is by far my FAVORITE. everyone is different but i ran .75 ed for ten weeks with m1t for 10 weeks ( 2 wks on 2 wks off over and over) the whole time and i started tamoxifen about wk 6 20mg per day. i have a high tolerance so this may not be good for all but i only noticed that question you asked about at the6 wk mark . i didnt notice any different feeling (sides that is) than that of the m1t and the tamoxifen made a big diff. but if your only concern is your balls and not your LIVER ( milkthistle) then add hcg to boost your ball activity which will work with the tamoxifen to up free test levels. tren is a ****ing monster, if its your first time your in for a wild bull ride so hold the **** on and be the monster you know you can be. oh and dont kill anyone. hee hee.

  6. #6
    Does Tren make anyone else really tired? I've been on about 1.5 weeks and it's seems like I've been taking a lot more naps. Anyone get this?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Thumbs up tren lethargy?

    i can honestly say that the only compound that has given me this effect is the m1t and it was bad but as far as the tren i couldnt wait to get up in the morning to spike up again and destroy the gym. if its because your having trouble sleeping and its causing you to be tired in the morning i would add an over the counter sleep aid or get some valium or colonopin from your local dope peddler. hope it was ok to say that if not im sorry. lots of carbs in the morning will help alot to remember the diet that cattle get during this time of there cycle is straight up raw grain / CARBS GALORE. rise and shine sleepy head!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by glen garry
    hey bro, tren is by far my FAVORITE. everyone is different but i ran .75 ed for ten weeks with m1t for 10 weeks ( 2 wks on 2 wks off over and over) the whole time and i started tamoxifen about wk 6 20mg per day. i have a high tolerance so this may not be good for all but i only noticed that question you asked about at the6 wk mark . i didnt notice any different feeling (sides that is) than that of the m1t and the tamoxifen made a big diff. but if your only concern is your balls and not your LIVER ( milkthistle) then add hcg to boost your ball activity which will work with the tamoxifen to up free test levels. tren is a ****ing monster, if its your first time your in for a wild bull ride so hold the **** on and be the monster you know you can be. oh and dont kill anyone. hee hee.

    your kidneys and liver must hate you for that tren is ruff on your kidneys as well is it not

  9. #9
    I've heard that tren can be harsh on the kidneys, but can anyone tell me why it is also harsh on the liver?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    Does Tren make anyone else really tired? I've been on about 1.5 weeks and it's seems like I've been taking a lot more naps. Anyone get this?
    i was wondering more if tren makes anyone suffer from insomnia- i've heard this quite a bit.

    sounds like tren making you tired is the opposite?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    some of the stuff i have read about tren is that it makes u tired but at the same time it can give u trouble sleeping with the night sweats and all... i can't wait to try it on my second cycle... i wish i had added it to my first instead of deca...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Tren didn't shut me down the way everyone said it would.
    My nuts didn't shrink.
    I sweat every night i slept.
    I was constantly horny.
    My endurance went way down. I couldn't run my regular jogs.
    Temper temper temper.
    And the greatest point of all... I kept over 10 pounds of solid musle mass.
    Great stuff.
    i ran 1mL ED. @ 75mg per mL.

  13. #13
    ive heard from doctors that support you through it that test is fine but stay away from tren..tren was like dbol/winny/drol..where it was recomended only used for max of 6 weeks...but now guys run it longer..but thats teh same for dbol or winny u can run them longer if youd like to, from what i hear and know is that tren being used for 10+weeks is farily new but then again this is just what i heard and its from a few doctors. i know its amazing but most things that seem amazing have the worst long term effects.
    ive heard from older bros that tren is amazing but harsh on the kidneys...where one guy i know needs kidney is partial due to gentics but his doctor also told him to stay away from tren for those reasons
    Last edited by aadrenaline; 08-06-2005 at 12:56 AM.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    Tren didn't shut me down the way everyone said it would.
    My nuts didn't shrink.
    I sweat every night i slept.
    I was constantly horny.
    My endurance went way down. I couldn't run my regular jogs.
    Temper temper temper.
    And the greatest point of all... I kept over 10 pounds of solid musle mass.
    Great stuff.
    i ran 1mL ED. @ 75mg per mL.
    At over 5 weeks, it hasn't shut me down either. No noticable testicular atrophy and libido remained the same. Got the night sweats and the added aggression. I'm anxious to see how much I keep with PCT!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    It is interesting to see how everyone really is different at times in how they react to different steriods. Most get wired and insomnia from tren but there are others that get tired and lethargic....go figure.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    It is interesting to see how everyone really is different at times in how they react to different steriods. Most get wired and insomnia from tren but there are others that get tired and lethargic....go figure.
    I havent had night sweats or nightmares either. Just tired and lethargic as fvck. I have noticed that my temper has flared a bit but I'm a pretty quiet person but I have been somewhat of a prick the last few days. I find things more intollerable and annoying than normal.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tren and prop together will shut you down even harder than tren alone. Shutdown is inevitable because of the feedback loop built into the body in the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis. With test, you just don't notice it, because you are replacing the test that you aren't producing. Shutdown does not refer to drop in libido, properly speaking. It refers to the cessation of testosterone production in the testicles. Many individuals still have normal drives or even enhanced sex drive when using AAS other than test. Their body is simply able to maintain libido with hormones other than test, is all.

    I would NOT run tren A EOD. I would definitely go ED. If you want good gains with easily managed sides, go ED. Yes, it will shut you down pretty good after a week or so. If you are running test with it, you won't notice. In fact, just the opposite... you will feel like a sexual tyrannosaurus. If you use prop, you can start them together, shoot both ED. If you use cyp or E, you need to run the test for a week or two before you start the tren so you have levels of free test built up well above baseline before you start the tren. Make no mistake... the test alone will shut you down. That is what your body is SUPPOSED to do. It tries to regulate itself. But since there is still plenty of test, the shutdown is a non-event. You want the test to shut you down, rather than the tren.

    I am not trying to write a commandment on a stone tablet. Yes, some users of IMHO dubious judgement have used tren alone. Some report good results, though I have never seen this personally. But going with accepted practice rather than rolling the dice and trying something else will always hold the assurance of respectable results. Stick with methods that have a sound base of logic and science, and especially a proven track record, and assuming good training, nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle habits, you will always be satisfied with your results. Tren A with Prop in reasonalbe doses is a proven stack that can be run from 6 weeks until you are tired of jabbing. You can use it as a bulker. You can use it to harden up, with quality gains that don't just disappear. You can use it to cut. With different diets, and different cycle lengths, you have a lot of flexibility. Tren alone? I would not do it. There was a time when I would have tried it, but luckily wiser heads spoke up, and luckily I listened.

    Sides will vary from one user to another, and from one cycle to the next, even. I get night sweats a lot, but only very mild acne. Aggression goes through the roof and I have to watch that... it gets out of hand, I know to lower the dose. THat is my indicator. No sweats and I know to increase my dose. I have only had bad dreams once... last night, as it happens. I am not even using tren in this point (the end) of my cycle. I just wanted to do a test shot of some 150mg/ml crystal fina I just made up, check for reaction, etc, with no expectation of continuing it... just making sure it was okay to shoot before planning to include it in the next cycle. I shot 75mg and other than the fact that it was too thick for easy shooting with a 25ga pin, it went in nice enough. That was the end of that, right? Wrong! Woke up from a bad dream about 3AM with all kinds of friggin demons chasing my ass and more appearing every time I opened another door while trying to escape LOL! Luckily my bedside .45 was way over on the other side of my king size bed or who knows what! So you just never know with tren. Sides come and go and some guys just can't handle it at all. You have to always be ready to adjust the dose, and for that reason, tren A is the way to go for tren newbies, because sides fall off quickly with reduced dosage. With tren E for instance, your blood levels take a couple of weeks to go down and then you very likely are on a roller coaster ride... your dose is too low, so you bump it back up again... takes a couple of weeks to show itself so you bump it again... by the time you have your dose stable, your cycle is over. With tren A, you can more easily control this and keep useful but safe levels going.

    BTW after the dream, I slept like a baby and didn't wake up until 11AM with a monster boner and I feel great. Must be the TNE PLO-gel ha ha!

    THink I'll wrap up the computer stuff and go do chest shoulders and quads now. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!

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  18. #18
    Thanks for your time and knowledge, Baron!

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