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Thread: Too much cardio?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Too much cardio?

    Currently running

    test e @ 400mg ew 1-13
    EQ @ 300mg ew 1-12
    Winny @ 50mg ed 11-15
    Prop @100mg ed 13-15

    I'm doing 25 minutes of cardio everyday while eating low carb/high fiber/high protein meals (300g protein a day). Looking ripped, but not gaining any size. Should I change my eating habits/cardio, and if so, how?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    nor-cal(yay area)
    Thats why most chose to either bulk or cut. But with that cycle you should still be gaining some size. But it will be hard to gauge this because you are also losing size due to fat loss at the same time becuause of your cardio. it could be bunk gear, but if you are gaining stength, then you should up your calories, but you havent listed your base amount of calories that you are working with right now, so i cant advise you to up them or not. best of luck mang.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I don't think it's a cardio issue so much as a diet issue. You said you're eating a low carb diet, correct. Low carb means no glycogen, which means no pump, which means minimal muscle recouperation. I would add in a few high carb days and see what happens. You could even eat a decent amount of carbs and be okay, the cardio will help keep your metabolism running throughout the day. Or you could cut carbs in the evening time. Bottom line is that I would either toss in a few high carb days or cycle your carbs while on cycle. Your body needs glycogen to repair it's stores, without it you can't push as hard in the gym or get a pump.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by gwig
    Currently running

    test e @ 400mg ew 1-13
    EQ @ 300mg ew 1-12
    Winny @ 50mg ed 11-15
    Prop @100mg ed 13-15

    I'm doing 25 minutes of cardio everyday while eating low carb/high fiber/high protein meals (300g protein a day). Looking ripped, but not gaining any size. Should I change my eating habits/cardio, and if so, how?
    increase ur cal and carbs alittle and make sure u doin enough volume in the weights 6-12reps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    How far are you into that cycle? Also like ODC said run high carb. Just pick your carbs right. Only (or mostly if your human lol) eat complex carbs such as whole grains. Oatmeal, whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, and such items are very good. Something that I like doing- I buy grapenuts cereal and after cardio or some serious workout where my body is needing carbs i pour it into a cup and then eat it. Its quick and good. You wont get fat from complex sugerless carbs. Try that out bro.

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