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Thread: To cycle or not to cycle... have cycled b4...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    golds gym, locker #123

    To cycle or not to cycle... have cycled b4...

    I want to start up another cycle again so badley... But the thing is... With my gf, and beach season and wutnot... I don't want my back to break out all over in acne, and that always happens big time and takes a good while to go away... Also I still have a small case of gyno that has never completely gone away so when I cycle I just look bad in white t's cuz of the dam puffy nipples...

    On the other hand I wana juice again so badley, but the way I am rite now I havn't cycle for a long time so my skin is as clear as anything and I have just finished cutting down and have been using the tanning beds for the past 3months so my gf and other people consider me "sexy"

    I could use to care less about what people thought about me, and my main focus was always to get bigger no matter what... But now... I duno... Is there anyway I can cycle while keeping the breaking out all over my back part down??? And for the gyno part I'm figuring of running letro...

    If I did cycle it would be a fairly light cycle... Test prop 12 weeks 800mg/wk.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    golds gym, locker #123
    Bump... ill be back later, going out to hit up the gym.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    golds gym, locker #123
    Stoped by work... hit up the gym... Just got outa the shower... No opinion's any1???

  4. #4
    if you dont want acne or gyno you'll have to use low androgenic types of roids (correct?) and test wont be good with that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    new orleans, louisiana
    Iam in the same boat,I have not cycled in like 9 months and I got a small case of gyno an I dont know if i want to worsen it.But on the other hand I want to cycle so badly my blood itchs.I wouldnt run prop tho,that sh*t sucks.Iam probaly gonna cycle in like december but iam gonna slowy start purchasing my gear and pct so I will be ready.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    hey bro i love to help but i dont know much about acne problems because i dont have them on cycle but i heard that vit B5 works great for this problem.

    good luck

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Yea they say b5 (pantethenic acid) works well. The best thing I have ever used and I believe is the best is Accutane. I know others will contradict that due to sides but I never experienced any sides. Dry skin was the worst if you really consider that a bad Side

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    golds gym, locker #123
    b5 and accutane... I'll have to look into those... Duno too much about b5, I know a good bit about b6 and b12 though as I have used both of them b4.

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