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Thread: cutting cycle advic3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis

    cutting cycle advic3

    I'm sure all the experts here are getting tired of the same questions, but any help here would be really appreciated.

    I'm 26, been training consistently for the last few years now, this will be my third cycle, 190 lbs, 10%bf, clean diet.

    Here's what I'm planning for a cutting cylce:

    test prop 150 eod for 10 weeks
    and possibly the clen/T3 combo from AR-R.

    but I've been reading alot of conflicting info on clen. so....

    1) should I run it 2 weeks/2 weeks off (with benedryl)? Or run it straight through?
    2) also, I'm not even sure about running it. Would I be better off with winny for the last few weeks of my cycle?
    3) if I do run clen, when do I take it-ie, what time of day, before training or after, on an empty stomach or not?

    I know to gradually increase/decrese clen dosage, as well to take L-Taurine while on.

    thanks for all your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    balz deep in jessica alba
    how tall and what does your diet look like

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    if your diet is in check, and your training is good, you might like what happens on just the prop. Your diet and prop may help lean you out. if, at the end of your cycle, you want to cut some fat, use the clen starting the day after your last shot until you get to where you want in terms of %. eat right when your on it, itll work well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    the military says I'm 5'10, but probably more like 6'.

    diet is low fat/med carb(including sugars)/high protien--do you want a detailed break down?

    cardio is on track, too. Running about 9-12 miles a week. Got my 5k run in under 21 min.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    oh ya, use tauring only if you cramp, and use clen with no break, just every third week should include 50mg of benedryl ED at bedtime. no on/off needed. eat bananas and drink water. keep up on your multi vitamins.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m
    the military says I'm 5'10, but probably more like 6'.

    diet is low fat/med carb(including sugars)/high protien--do you want a detailed break down?

    cardio is on track, too. Running about 9-12 miles a week. Got my 5k run in under 21 min.
    wow, with that training, you probably wont need clen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    so I can run clen while on PCT?

    yah, my brother ran just prop and get nice and cut, but he cuts quicker than me, and I bulk faster than him.

    oh, and do I need to run any special PCT for the clen?

    I already have nolvalex/clomid as PCT for the prop

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    thanks for the info, drummer boy

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    the reason u use clen in PCT is that it also has anti-catabolic properties. it can help preserve muscle as you burn fat. It is common to use with your PCT. You may not need nolva at all on this cycle, only if your nips get sore/itchy. Your PCT can be only clen, cause i dont think you will have trouble bouncing back. however, if you do crash hard, you may use clomid at 100mg ED for 3 weeks while taking nolva 20mg ED, along with the clen. run the nolva a week longer than clomid, run the clen as long as you want until desired results. clen makes my heart pound, i sweat and am nervous. Start at about 60mcg ED and up it 20mcg's a day until you feel the sides are too much, then back off a bit. I still think you will only need to do the prop, and MAYBE clen. the others are just in case....

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