Has anyone used Creatine Sterum instead of the powder?
I,ve been told that you only take it on training days and it will not cause any cramping or water retention.
Has anyone used Creatine Sterum instead of the powder?
I,ve been told that you only take it on training days and it will not cause any cramping or water retention.
Its over priced garbage! IMO LOL
I thought that would be the reply!!
Liquid creatine is absorbed under the tounge directly into the bloodstream. You do not have the water retention that you normally have with other creatine. And it is true that you only take it on days you workout. The problem that I see with it is that most of the liquid creatines that I have run across only have 2.5 grams of creatine per serving. Cell-Tech and Trans-X have 10 and 12 grams per serving, respectively. The only time that I recieved good gains from liquid creatine was when I double the dosage. I now stick to Trans-X creatine and andros.
look mate, its the biggest con ever.
goto http://www.ast-ss.com/articles/creat...um_5-22-00.htm
this shows test results done on creatine serum and its compleately useless.
I have known for a while that the Muscle Marketing brand of creatine serum was underdosed. I always used another brand of serum. I actually used Body Tech's Creatine Elixir. For me, when I doubled the dosage I got results. I don't use it anymore because I didn't like waiting for it to absorb by holding it in my mouth. I only use powdered creatine now (Trans-X).
Checked out the site and I think I will keep with the powder.
Thanks for your opinions guys seems like another marketing scam in some cases
With the serum i got no results, i took straight powder and got better results, yes i had to drink more water but most of the people that took the serum didnt see much out of it, all it was for me was a bad taste that lingered in my mouth!
I've tried pretty much every type of creatine, and one thing I can say is serum is useless. Go with a straight powder or a flavored powder like cell-tech.
I tried Cell tech but it done nothing for me!!
So Sterum and Cell Tech off the list!!
Have you tried Trans-X yet by Scitech? It has 2 more grams of creatine, ribose, ZMA, glutamine, arginine, and taurine in it. I will never use Cell Tech again after using Trains-X.
Right that will be the next one I try!!
There was a time when Labs couldn't keep Liquid Creatine stable and therefore was not as potent as the powders.
Stick with Pure Creatine Monohydrate, Protein Powder, a serious Vitamin Pack, Glutamine and hit the gym. Gotta keep it simple or ya get crazy raeding all the BS adds in the rags!
As I said before JUNK!
I have taken the liquid verson and relly did not like it. The powder version taste like crap, but I have since stayed with it. I thought that it was just me because at my gym everyone loves the stuff. Although most of these people are not really hard core so to speak and they will go for convinence and taste above all else. Glad to see that I was not the only one.
I was talking the guy at GNC and he showed me the study reports for it and they look good but the general opinion from BB is that it sucks
Billy boy, someone put up a post like this earlier, they had a link to a website showed that is was total junk. Personally I just got off Creatine, and I didn't like it. I used it in the past, and got strength, but this time, I guess cause I have toned down, made me look bloated. Made my muscles actually look bloated. course that is what it is supposed to do. Love the strength, but I found that I can get strength without using Creatine. I went to my doctor about some gyno concerns, she told me to get off the creatine, I did and it went away. The Creatine made my mild gyno more apparent. flushed the creatine out of my body and no more water, hince no more bloating. My muscles look fuller and learner, course like I said, I recently went on a cutting up cycle. I dont' suggest anyone use Creatine on a cuttin cycle, it just bloated me up, and made me look fat almost. Just my opinion and experiences and all. I have used the Creatine Serum, found it did give me energy, but didn't do much else for me. I personally think there are other suppliments out there, that will give you same gains as Creatine without the bloatyness.
I don't trust those scientific studies. The testing labs need funding to pay for research, and guess where it comes from? I'd rather test it on myself and see first hand if it works.
I used creatine serum, IT SUCKS it just gives you a little energy for 10 min. Most useless stuff ever
I noticed a little head rush for a few minutes when I took serum. Probably because its basically syrup.
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