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Thread: Each Body part 3x per week?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA

    Each Body part 3x per week?

    I have been lifting for about 7-8 months solid. I know, I know, not much. I began doing each body part 2x a week. Monday and Thursday was upper body and Tuesday and Friday was legs. I was reading around online and told pretty much to switch it to each body part once a week. I just bought Arnolds Modern Encyclopedia to Bodybuilding and he says, to start with at least, to do each body part 3x a week. Chest/back/legs MWF. Shoulders/lower back//upper and lower arms/ Tues, Thurs. and Sat.
    He reccomends this style routine until 5 inches are gained in chest, 3-4 in in arms, and 4-5 in on legs. I have not seen these gains yet from the once a week, so I will be switching to this Monday. Does this still hold true? I don't want to overtrain, I will be doing roughly 2-3 diff. lifts, each 5x10, per body part. ADVICE PLEASE! Thanks.
    BTW I am 20, 5'10, 210 lbs and get @ least 300g protein a day if it makes a difference.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You grow OUT of the gym when you are resting, not while you are in it.

    I grow best working out every bodypart very intensely ONCE per week. Even TWO times per week, my results stall out and I tend to over-train. Three times per week isn't even possible, as I am not recovered quickly enough to train each bodypart that many times, no. I'm still sore 4-5 days later, there is no way I could ever train the same parts 3 times in a week, as 2 times is even pushing it and is rough.

    Experiment, but I'd have to say this is a very bad idea.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ..If you can muster up the strength to work out each body part HARD and THOROUGHLY three times per week you must be freakin' Superman!
    Yow! I am sore for three days in the body parts I work out...walk funny for two days after legs... No way could I do them even TWO times per week!

  4. #4
    I dont know how that is possible. My chest is sore 4 days after..legs..I could never do this. We did this in football and I would still do a bodypart once a week but it didnt take long til I got caught.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    thats the way they did it in the old days, now ppl have figured out that your body needs more rest. no question about it 3x per week is too much

  6. #6
    for sure. When I was in football doing bench monday wednesday friday..I wondered why wed and friday I couldnt push shit. Monday 275 4 2wice..i was like whats the deal? Now clearly I know I was grossly overtraining

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i tried working out jus 2 times per week and i couldnt hit nearly as hard as i can jus one time per theres pretty much no recovery time and it jus dont make sence to do it.stick to one time per week and jus hit real hard.thats how i along with alot of other guys do it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    How often you can train a bodypart is a good sign of how your routine is going. See all the bros are saying they can't physically do a bodypart more than twice a weak because they know their bodies are telling them they need more time. Pain, a nice lil indicator

    TRAIN with more intensity. If you do the SC leg workout for example, you would experience a new level of pain that would force you to rest a week or maybe even longer.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    3 times a week is crazy bro, plus legs and back on the same day is like big time overtraining, id probs be seriously ill and injured if i did deads, squats and leg press full intensity on the same day and twice in 3 days!!! Dont forget arnie was on loads of gear and is a genetic freak, so whilst that may work for him, it wont for 95% of the population

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    rest=growth...once a week for each bodypart

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Flexor
    If you do the SC leg workout for example, you would experience a new level of pain that would force you to rest a week or maybe even longer.
    Oh yeah baby!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    You grow OUT of the gym when you are resting, not while you are in it.

    I grow best working out every bodypart very intensely ONCE per week. Even TWO times per week, my results stall out and I tend to over-train. Three times per week isn't even possible, as I am not recovered quickly enough to train each bodypart that many times, no. I'm still sore 4-5 days later, there is no way I could ever train the same parts 3 times in a week, as 2 times is even pushing it and is rough.

    Experiment, but I'd have to say this is a very bad idea.

    yep I agree

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Like everyone has been saying, you have to experiment and find what makes your body grow the best. I was hardcore 1 bodypart a day. I decided to try max-ot philosophy, wasnt really "thrilled" with the results. Im now using HST philosophy, which is MWF, working each muscle 3x a week. Its low volume, so you can recover in time to stimulate again 48-72 hours later. As long as you follow the guidlines, you wont overtrain.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I cant imagine where I'd find the time or strength to bomb all my muscles 3 times a week. When I work a muscle, I try my best to make sure its destroyed for the next day. My job isnt physicly demanding, so my work isnt suffering by being sore. I can train as hard as I want(and as hard as I can). Even eat every 3 hours

    But I have a life outside of working, working out and eating. A new woman, a motorcycle, a quad, friends and family. I imagine 3 workouts a week per muscle would be a little too time consuming even if it did really work.

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