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Thread: Hair loss

  1. #1

    Hair loss

    Hey guys I am trying to find more out about hair loss while cycling. My family has a history of male pattern baldness at a young age. I wanted to know if cycling would greatly increase my chances of going bald?
    Thanks alot.SUPERFLEX!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Stay away from any DHT derived AAS like winny.

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Man I have no hair loss in my family, but this cycle when I shampoo and if I lets the tub fill up as I shower and not drain I see a fair amount of hair. Has been my biggest concern lately. Not to hijack thread but if you use shampoo to help this do you have to keep using it after ??? Sorry bro!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    My hair thinning stopped after I discontinued the winny but it is a little thinner than when I started on the crown so maybe some permamnent loss. I don't see why you would need to cintinue the shampoo if you stopped, if you are not prone to MPB

    I was going to try some propecia (finasteride) but I have heard too many stories of that causing natural testosterone to shut down permanantly. There is actually a few yahoo groups with tons of members who claim finasteride killed their test production???

  5. #5

    I did test 200 for 10 weeks with 3ius of HGH and also have been on finestride for 3 yrs as well as Nizoral 2% everyday for 3 yrs. I am shedding like crazy and its my 3rd week after my last shot. Its true that finestride will block the androgens from converting to dht but there are other androgens that we cant block and I believe this is where the hairloss comes from. Bottom line, if you are prone to hairloss, roids will speed it up. It sucks but its true.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I think it is different for everyone.. I have ran some big cycles in the past with alot of androgens running around in my body, yet have seen full regrowth of hair from finasturide (propecia)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by elcapitan
    There is actually a few yahoo groups with tons of members who claim finasteride killed their test production???
    are you serious? if so, that sucks!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Stay away from any DHT derived AAS like winny.
    Any androgen can cause hairloss, not just DHT. DHT is a powerfull androgen that test can convert into. Problem is, the best steroids are high in androgens.

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