lmfao!!!Originally Posted by Dally
lmfao!!!Originally Posted by Dally
No2 and Creatine.....Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
why is he not responsing now? he seems and looks like the type of boy that is obsessed w/ his looks.. the hair and glasses and those crazy smiles.. seems kinda gay
He said he "once" did a 5week test cycle a long time ago...
During collage football or something...
And he's never juiced since...
So... when he laid off the juice he considered himself
a natural gainer.... he lost his gains n shit...
He started off at 138lbs n went up to 150lbs + all naturally...
I guess thats whut he meant by "natural"
He didn't lie IMO
You give out alot of advice for someone who hasn't done a full cycle. Maybe your first REAL cycle should be food.
Thanks Grim. He's right, and if everyone is keeping such close tabs on my posts...then you woulda known this as well. I cycled a few years ago (5 weeks...doesnt really sound like a cycle that would have had any effect on my weight now), I was 175 back then from the cycle...obviously I started THIS at 140. sooooooo... yea hope that gives you some clarification. Why did I lose weight? coke. not eating. being on drugs 24/7. I'm sober now & Before you assume sh!t about me you better get the facts straight, until then keep my name out of your mouthOriginally Posted by grimnlock
oh yea.. You guys are sad ass examples of role model builders, thats for damn sure.
I have friends that look a HELL of a lot better than most of you guys (for the ones who even have the balls to PUT their pics up), and they are way supportive.
Why would you bring someone down cause they arent as big as you? WTF. That's some BULLsh*t.. These guys sayin they get all upset because of my Avatar?? You guys need to keep that insecure sh!t to yourselves.
I've personally never looked at someone smaller than me and had a reaction like "OH MY GOD! WTF!!!!!!!! HE"S SO SMALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"So somethin must be wrong with you guys.
Cause I never give anyone sh!t on this site unless I'm jokin' with 'em.
People email me for diet tips *Cause not everyone wants to be huge, keep that in mind for future reference* And I can't imagine reacting like "OH MY GOD, your such a skinny PU**Y! You're GAY! What's your PROBLEM?" I'm more than happy to help people out with what I know. I dont get why its not the same with me when I post pics of my progression...
Last edited by _Tiger_; 08-13-2005 at 03:41 PM.
Dude.... u look like u lost weight man!!
Tiger, you have an excellent beach body that the girls will love. it takes balls to post pics here and you got big ones. You look great. Your progress is excellent.
Squats, deadlifts, bench and wide grip chin ups are the key. I weighed in at 150 in high school (I was 6'4) now I am an easy 220. So good on you....
And don't let the haters bring you down. i don't see their pictures anywhere. They probally don't look half as good as you. Many guys would give up a testicle to have abs like yours.
Thanks Juicy...much appreciated. I don't mind constructive criticism, or friendly flamin on my stuff, but when I get these way serious, negative posts from some of the people I really (used to)admire, listen to and used to take their advice to heart..I seriously just dont understand.. It's cool though I'm proud of what I'm doing and where I'm headed. That "New Pic" above is the result of THREE months of lifting and 4 months diet.
First of all, congrats and keep pushing towards your goal!
But I think why some people are turning on you is because you changed your avatar alot and then your name. It's sortof confusing and just looks like you're trying to change persona or something. I'm not saying you were deliberately trying to do something underhanded, but it looks fishy. Just my 2 cents.
If you read what they wrote, they are ripping him appart like he is a fat bitch at a supermodle convention.
Encouragement, learning and constructive critism is what this site is suppost to be about.
He's not a huge guy, but that doesn't mean he looks like bad. He looks wa-a-a-a-ay better than the average person and he is dedicating himself to some goals. What is wrong with that?
Tiger, all my lady friends think that you are hot. Just thought that I'd throw that in, and I still think you have way more balls than 91% of the people here, and I'm not just saying that. I know many people here will agree with me.
First off I'm not here to flame you. If I wanted to flame anyone, I'm man enough to say it to their face. And I won't waste time flaming on and off this site. It's childish. Second, I just thought it was weird you giving advise on AS when you haven't really done it yet. That's like tell someone to try some poison cuz I said it was good to go. This site is for people who want advice from people who know their stuff and have experience. If you want some advise you should try the diet forum, not give advise to people who are about to start their first cycle. Third, you posted your pic for some advise and I said to DIET. If you're going to post a pic, expect someone to say somthin stupid. Just man up and don't fall to their level. It just shows that they got to you. There's always someone out there just to put you down. Keep up the progress.
I Change my avatar because I myself am changing and progressing. I dont have long hair anymore and i'm about 20 lbs heavier.. I changed my name because..well, if I'm going to be asking questions about AAS then my name is probably not a good thing to have on here. Tiger is not a new persona, its a nickname from when I was a kid.Originally Posted by cacti
I advise people on AAS by what I've learned on here....It's bullsh*t that someone would look at my pic and judge whether or not I can say anything about AAS. What if I had some avatar of a cartoon BIG ripped guy. Then would people listen?
Mostly my advise consists of telling newbs to it all to lower their doses, start out with test, have test as a base, and make sure your doing proper PCT. If anyone disagrees with that, then thats a different story. But I believe that is all true.
I read so much sh!t about AAS it's not even funny. I have a pretty good idea (as opposed to new people who dont know much about them) on what they do, etc. I have friends who do D-bol only cycles, they roid more than me..they are bigger than me, but they do NOT know more than I do.
The things I dont know about (HGH I'm pretty uninformed), I dont just give advise on...And if someone wanted to know what ingesting things (other than test) "Felt" like, well I'd be in the dark..but I do know more about AAS than the average beginning user. So what if I havent physically done them. I know about them. Just answering some of these questions/accusations because I'm sick of people assuming stuff about me.
OK Tiger, I am not here to flame you, flaming is not my way. However I'm going to try to select my words very carefully so that you don't misinterpret them as a flame, it's rather just some constructive critisism and my own personal opinion so take it as you will.Originally Posted by _Tiger_
99% of the respected members on this board give advice based on their own experiences and extensive research (not just what they read on this board). There are tons of people on this board with limited expereince with AAS or diet or working out for that matter and are here to learn for themselves to better help their own progression. It seems to me that that is what you are here for correct? You worked out in the past, lost your gains and now you are back at it right? Perhaps I am wrong but I would have thought you were here to learn and improve, although you seem to think you know a lot already. It is very difficult to take advice seriously from someone who clearly has just regurgitated what they think is right because they read it on this board but have not actually tried it themselves. I havnt seen your advice on AAS, but I have seen some of your diet and cardio advice and well, quite frankly it's scary.
I'm sorry if you take this as a flame but I think people are giving you a hard time, not because of how you look but more so your attitude. There is nothing wrong with how you look, many members on this board have gone through transformations themselves and most do not judge others on their appearance. But I have to say you have come off at times as bit cocky and as a know-it-all. If you are trying to earn respect by giving advice on things you have not tried yourself, I am not sure it's working. There is a lot of wrong/bad advice being given on this board and if you have read something you believe to be true and just spit it out as advice to someone else, well you're just adding to the problem. You may want to stick with giving advice on topics that are truley your area of expertise.
Thank you Sexykitty. Give advice to what you have DONE. Not what others did.
believe me bro its awesome that you are trying to improve your body but i think the reason you didnt get taken seriously was b/c of your pics. honestly w/ the weird expressions and sunglasses indoors..they looked like myspace pics not pics that belong on a bodybuilding/fitness board
lol. I agree, very strange.
tiger is gone....
lmao! I'm gonna crack open an ice cold hippie juice in his honor.
Oh where oh where is tiger? I bet he joined EliteFitness and forked over for the platinum membership. ROFLLLLLLLL
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