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Thread: my igf experience

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    North carolina

    my igf experience

    A little backround, Im 36 been training 20 years. natural for 15 then crossed over 5 years ago and began cycling. I have been competing for about 5 years also. 6' around 280 off-season, superheavy on-season. i did a four week igf lr3 run at about 50-60 mcgs a day, nothing except a little increase in appetite. 4 weeks later i started a run at 80-90mcgs daily in one shot in the AM, not the preferred method of many but my only convienant way to do it. Good results, really full and awesome pumps in the gym, good appetite nice pumped feeling all day, hopefully will result in permanent muscle growth.
    So my results were good at 80-90 mcgs,(hard to be exact in a 100iu pin)
    results with 50mcgs was marginal, i am a large fellow however and may be dose related to body weight? i normally need at least 1000mgs of test to even feel an increase in libido, alot of guys get going with just 250mgs a week. just my experience for what its worth.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What kind of weight increase did you get on your lifts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    What kind of IGF were you on??? This seems to me making a difference.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by lil mikey
    A little backround, Im 36 been training 20 years. natural for 15 then crossed over 5 years ago and began cycling. I have been competing for about 5 years also. 6' around 280 off-season, superheavy on-season. i did a four week igf lr3 run at about 50-60 mcgs a day, nothing except a little increase in appetite. 4 weeks later i started a run at 80-90mcgs daily in one shot in the AM, not the preferred method of many but my only convienant way to do it. Good results, really full and awesome pumps in the gym, good appetite nice pumped feeling all day, hopefully will result in permanent muscle growth.
    So my results were good at 80-90 mcgs,(hard to be exact in a 100iu pin)
    results with 50mcgs was marginal, i am a large fellow however and may be dose related to body weight? i normally need at least 1000mgs of test to even feel an increase in libido, alot of guys get going with just 250mgs a week. just my experience for what its worth.
    I have to agree on the single shot ED.My last week on the IGF cycle, I ran 100 mcgs PWO.I was rather impressed with the feeling and results from it.From now I def won't split the shots.It's all PWO for me.Others can say or do as they please,but IMO this has been the best way I've ever ran it in 5-6 cycles of IGF that I've ran.
    You can read down to my post in this thread..


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    North carolina
    I did have some strength increases, however i do not lift for strength, 6 or less reps, the potential for injury is great with that kinda weight. I have been running a test cycle along with the igf both times. this time the biggest differance is the increase in vascularity and fullness and ridiculous pumps that will hopefully= increase in lean tissue growth.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    West Palm Beach
    80mcg and up. I'm doing AM and PWO injections because i'm doing slin PWO as well. Everything is working well. I'm getting thick all over. I love this stuff...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    80mcg and up. I'm doing AM and PWO injections because i'm doing slin PWO as well. Everything is working well. I'm getting thick all over. I love this stuff...
    How are you doing both the slin and LR3 PWO??? What is your timing method???

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach
    I drink my 125g carb drink in my truck first. 5 min later 40mcg IGF IM, 5 min later 10 IU slin subq. I have 2 cans of coke ready just incase. No issues so far. I get home about 10 min after slin shot and have my protein shake. Then eat a full meal 30 min later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    How are you doing both the slin and LR3 PWO??? What is your timing method???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Glad its working for you. Why the Slin Sub-q?? I hope you're using Humalog right?

    You're lucky you're not going at all hypo in between your sub-q slin shot and full meal 30 minutes later.

    If its working for you then keep it up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach
    I'm using Hum-R @ 10IU's subq

    Slin IM injections with IGF PWO is too strong. I tried that and it hit way to hard too fast. I rather be safe and stuff my face for 2 hours post injection then to worry about passing out. Have you tried IGF and Slin both IM post gym? If not, go slow with it. nothing to mess around with. The slin hits alot harder with IGF plus I'm on GH too. It's all good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Glad its working for you. Why the Slin Sub-q?? I hope you're using Humalog right?

    You're lucky you're not going at all hypo in between your sub-q slin shot and full meal 30 minutes later.

    If its working for you then keep it up.

  11. #11
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    Glutes & Quads
    I've tried them both before but never together as you are running them. I'm very insulin sensitive so I top out at about 10iu Slin. Anything more than that is way too much for me. IGF really didnt do much for me so I'm gonig to be running it differently next time.
    You seem to know your limits well. Great stats and good luck w/ your run....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    strong island, NY
    i love igf! i'm gonna run my 3rd cycle of it in a few weeks.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    puffader, just curious, how do you administer your HGH and how much are you taking? Like what is the timing of the shots while running it with slin?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach
    At the moment 2IU at night. I try to do it about 2 hours after the slin shot.
    If I were to take 4IU and up I would split them AM and PM. I used to do them at the same time PWO years ago. Worked well that way too. I try to keep my sugar low by the time I do the GH.

  15. #15
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    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    I try to keep my sugar low by the time I do the GH.
    That statement just answered what I was going to ask you.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    North carolina
    I used Mr's both times. It just seems like the 80-90 mcgs is so much more effective than 50mcgs. I got good appetite doing both amounts but really get good full pumps with the higher dosage. Never tried splitting up the shots to 2 a day, just too inconvienant for me.

  17. #17
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    Apr 2002
    Bro I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's no such thing as permanent gains, they'll all go away, if you don't train and eat right. Primo is supposed to give you permanent gains and Arnold is supposed to be the primo king. His gains have been lost, other wise he'd still look like he did in the '80 Mr. O, hell even if he still looked like he did in Conan, then I'd say, he had permanent gains, but we all know he doesn't look like he did, at either of those times.


  18. #18
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    North carolina
    By permanent gains i think we all mean- that after the usage, that we will retain the lean muscle tissue for awhile hopefully until we decide to permanetly go off AAS. For me that means when my competitve career ends in my early 40's I will no longer carry around 280lbs of mass but will instead try to maintain a healthy 220lbs or so. Get me a corvette, a super dark tan, lots of body hair, a medium size string tank, lots of gold chains, short spandex shorts and stay on the circuit machines and hit on every woman in the gym. Talk about how i used to be state champ and how the guys these days have no heart and just do alot of juice. Im taking notes from some middle aged studs in my gym.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by lil mikey
    By permanent gains i think we all mean- that after the usage, that we will retain the lean muscle tissue for awhile hopefully until we decide to permanetly go off AAS. For me that means when my competitve career ends in my early 40's I will no longer carry around 280lbs of mass but will instead try to maintain a healthy 220lbs or so. Get me a corvette, a super dark tan, lots of body hair, a medium size string tank, lots of gold chains, short spandex shorts and stay on the circuit machines and hit on every woman in the gym. Talk about how i used to be state champ and how the guys these days have no heart and just do alot of juice. Im taking notes from some middle aged studs in my gym.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    dude you talk to the same dudes I have to talk to

    I swear, I will run into a Hulk Hogan type dude just like that.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    dirty jerz
    Quote Originally Posted by lil mikey
    By permanent gains i think we all mean- that after the usage, that we will retain the lean muscle tissue for awhile hopefully until we decide to permanetly go off AAS. For me that means when my competitve career ends in my early 40's I will no longer carry around 280lbs of mass but will instead try to maintain a healthy 220lbs or so. Get me a corvette, a super dark tan, lots of body hair, a medium size string tank, lots of gold chains, short spandex shorts and stay on the circuit machines and hit on every woman in the gym. Talk about how i used to be state champ and how the guys these days have no heart and just do alot of juice. Im taking notes from some middle aged studs in my gym.
    dude that's funny as hell! don't got any of those at my gym.

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