i have been training for 8 years now, seriously for 4. im 25, 5'11", 108 kgs, approx 14-15% bf. i have hit aas for the past 3 years, doing 4 10wk courses and 1 20wk course. i have used slin several times and am very comfortable with it. im about to hit a 20wk course of aas. this will be my first time on igf (lr3). i have 3 questions here:
(1) i know what the research says, but i would like to know from experience. is there much of a difference, in regards to gains, to taking igf AM & PM(PWO) or simply taking it PWO?;
(2) i have read of people taking igf b4 their workouts, is there any benefits to this?; &
(3) im planning on doing slin AM & PM. when should i take the slin in relation to the igf? my main aim is to maximise the life of the igf. so should i take slin # mins before or # mins after?
any input would be much appreciated