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Thread: Does frontloading with Test Prop do anything for you?

  1. #1
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    Does frontloading with Test Prop do anything for you?

    I was first thinking about doing a test prop only cycle for 10-12 weeks 100mg EOD. BUt am now thinking of doing Test E instead. Would frontloading with prop for the first 4 weeks do anything. And if i were to do this would I run the prop and Test E at the same time and after 4 weeks drop the prop. thanks for help

  2. #2
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    you could frontload with prop, just makes sure its shot EOD. Personally, if youi can get ahold of it, i would either do some dbol or drol, i find it more effective than prop, but thats just me.


  3. #3
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    No offense alo, I was told front loading is a waste of gear. Do your math and map out a good cycle with good PCT and you will be gold.

  4. #4
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    Well ive done a TEst E only cycle of 750mg a week for 10 weeks and had great gains. BUt i want to get cut up but realize I cant bulk and cut at the same time. So was thinking test prop in the beginning would kick start my cycle and then also at the end throw some prop in the trim down and cut up a little

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by spidernbutterfly
    No offense alo, I was told front loading is a waste of gear. Do your math and map out a good cycle with good PCT and you will be gold.
    no offense takin, everybody is entitled to their opinion...... but id like to know who gave you that bullsh*t info. most gear takes a few weeks to fully work and you need somethin quick in the beginning like dbol, drol, prop, susp., etc. as to get the most out of those first weeks. Do a search yourself bro, theres plenty of reason for frontloading.


  6. #6
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    yeah, test e will be kicking in around wk4, so you can jumpstart w some prop

  7. #7
    For the most part I'll agree with front loading doing nothing more than speeding up the result time a little. But it depends really. Front loading prop isn't as effective as front loading sust or Omna. Prop is pretty fast acting anyway so there is no real need to do so. Sust on the other hand being front loaded yields a much faster response than if used it in traditional methods of once or twice a week to start. What I found was front loading sust 1cc ED for 7-10 days took great advantage of the short acting esters in the blend. But then you have to be pretty in tune with your bodies response to test in order to readjust the dosing schedule to balance out once the longer esters begin building up. You have to back off even to a dosage less than what you may think you usually respond to. For me I'd use like I said 1cc for 10 days then drop is to 1cc every 3 days. If you do your calculating you'll find that this method keeps your levels at a substantial yet stable level for the remainder of a 10 weeker. Being that every one responds differently it takes some keen desernment of you individual reaction from previous cycles. SOme may want to front load for 5-7 days and drop to 1cc a week. Some on heavier dosage may want to use a hair more. What you do have to watch out for is the blends building up on you before you know it.

    But to get back on topic. Fronting loading prop would get you some response a little quicker but not much more than it already designed to. Orals are a good idea unless you have particular reasons not to... i.e. liver...

  8. #8
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    Here is the little thing ive learned over time about frontloading. No matter what gear you take, this formula applies to everything, the acctual numbers might be fictitious but the concept is the same no matter what gear you choose. First off all let’s clear up the idea of esters. Esters do not slow down the initial release of hormones into blood stream they only extend the half-life of the drugs. Half-life mean that, that is you inject certain amount of drug, in a certain amount of day half of that drug will still be active. For example if you take 250mg of drug and it’s half life is 7 days, that means that in 7 days there will be 125mg of that drug still active in your system. With all AS once they are injected there is a huge release that takes place and most of the drug is in your system within 1 day. The only reason that some people do not feel the effect immediately is that the buildup of that drug to substantial/effective amount takes place over time. There is a solution to that; it’s called front loading. Front loading means taking double or triple (I recommend double) amount of the drug on your first day of the cycle. For example if you were planning to take 250mg of Sust per week, you would take 500mg on day 1 of your cycle. I hope this all makes sense and clears up a few misconceptions about “when is my gear going to kick in”, because it’s RIGHT NOW!!! As I said it works for everything, EQ, Deca, Test any ester, Tren Eenth, Masteron everything…just the half life’s change.

    Regular way of taking AS and its natural buildup progression:
    Day 1 – 250mg
    Day 7 – 125mg + 250mg = 375mg
    Day 14 – 187.5 + 250mg = 437.5mg
    Day 21 – 219.2 + 250mg = 469.2mg
    Day 28 - 234.6 + 250mg = 484.6mg
    Day 35 – 242.3 + 250mg = 492.3mg
    Day 42 – 246.1 + 250mg = 496.1mg

    Now progression with “Double Dose” front loading:
    Day 1 – 500mg
    Day 7 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 14 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 21 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
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    Fuc the d-bol or t-bol, I front loaded my test e with prop for 5 weeks, wish I had more the gains were incredible, second week got gains, lean and hard with great strength. Wish I had more would have stuck with it longer. Already have 40ml of it for next time, prop is the shit!!!!

  10. #10
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    I think he means kicking the cycle off with prop,not front loading prop.
    Test e is a good choice,and starting off with some prop will be fine.Yes you can take them at the same time.
    Wks 1-12 test e
    Wks 1-4 prop
    Good jump sart to the cycle.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by IRONBULL05
    I think he means kicking the cycle off with prop,not front loading prop.
    Test e is a good choice,and starting off with some prop will be fine.Yes you can take them at the same time.
    Wks 1-12 test e
    Wks 1-4 prop
    Good jump sart to the cycle.
    I meant jump start also, I ran 125 mgs eod and loved it, gained almost 10 lbs. first 4 weeks and Im a hard gainer, I was very happy with it, why take an oral when you dont have to.

  12. #12
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    I have used orals as a jump start,but yeah I love prop too.Great results also.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by IRONBULL05
    I have used orals as a jump start,but yeah I love prop too.Great results also.
    Im going to run a whole cycle of it next time I was so impressed with it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superior_1
    For the most part I'll agree with front loading doing nothing more than speeding up the result time a little. But it depends really. Front loading prop isn't as effective as front loading sust or Omna. Prop is pretty fast acting anyway so there is no real need to do so. Sust on the other hand being front loaded yields a much faster response than if used it in traditional methods of once or twice a week to start. What I found was front loading sust 1cc ED for 7-10 days took great advantage of the short acting esters in the blend. But then you have to be pretty in tune with your bodies response to test in order to readjust the dosing schedule to balance out once the longer esters begin building up. You have to back off even to a dosage less than what you may think you usually respond to. For me I'd use like I said 1cc for 10 days then drop is to 1cc every 3 days. If you do your calculating you'll find that this method keeps your levels at a substantial yet stable level for the remainder of a 10 weeker. Being that every one responds differently it takes some keen desernment of you individual reaction from previous cycles. SOme may want to front load for 5-7 days and drop to 1cc a week. Some on heavier dosage may want to use a hair more. What you do have to watch out for is the blends building up on you before you know it.

    But to get back on topic. Fronting loading prop would get you some response a little quicker but not much more than it already designed to. Orals are a good idea unless you have particular reasons not to... i.e. liver...
    i think you misread what he put bro, he wants to change his cycle ot test e and front load with prop, not prop only cycle.


  15. #15
    to frontload is to up the dose of your drug by a lot, usually 2x the first week etc.

    When you talked about using Prop to "frontload" I think you meant to kick it off to get blood levels of test up higher faster, while the cyp or enanthate starts to kick in.

  16. #16
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    yea Unoid I wrote it a little wrong. So yea I think im going to add some prop to kick it off for the first 4 weeks or so. Thanks for all ur advice everyone

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown$$
    yea Unoid I wrote it a little wrong. So yea I think im going to add some prop to kick it off for the first 4 weeks or so. Thanks for all ur advice everyone
    good choice!!!!

  18. #18
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    lol another question. Right now I dont have the time to go get the Test E, buried with tons of work. So I was thinking about getting the Test in about a week or so. Would it still be fine to do this then.
    1-4 prop eod 100 mg
    2-12 test E 500mg week

    Cuz I really want to get this cycle started and figure since prop is such a fast acting ester and im just using it to kick start this cycle it really wouldnt hurt to just start it without The test E in hand

  19. #19
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    just frontload when you can bro. or if you havent started yet, wait till your prop comes in.


  20. #20
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    i have the prop just dont have test E

  21. #21
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    Prop is that good ha? I was thinking of doing it with some Tbol.

  22. #22
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    well then if you havent started it yet, wait till you get the test e then do it, if you have, just do test e as soon as you get it.


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by insanepump621
    Here is the little thing ive learned over time about frontloading. No matter what gear you take, this formula applies to everything,
    If the half life's not 7 days then the formula you are using isnt correct.
    test enanthate's half life is 7 days tru

    what about:
    deca (about a 10 day half life)
    test cyp(9 day half life)
    sust(which has 4 different esters)
    test prop(about a 2 day half life)

    also you have to figure out the formula depending on how many injections/wk you take, i.e. how long between shots

    that doesn't work for everything

  24. #24
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    in your girls panties
    Read Big Cat's article on "The Sane Cycle" He talks about frontloading prop and how it's beneficial.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by alo5603 View Post
    you could frontload with prop, just makes sure its shot EOD. Personally, if youi can get ahold of it, i would either do some dbol or drol, i find it more effective than prop, but thats just me.

    Do a frontload with test propionate and an oral like dianabol or anadrol, why would you only do one or the other,it would make better sense like as in my cycle I start in a few days,testosterone cypionate frontloaded with testosterone propionate, npp and turkish anadrol (ANAPOLON) more synergy the better the effects!!nandrolone decanoate is in my cycle allso that's why I'm frontloading with npp 100mg eod.
    Last edited by Bigtallman2021; 03-30-2022 at 01:33 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigtallman2021 View Post
    Do a frontload with test propionate and an oral like dianabol or anadrol, why would you only do one or the other,it would make better sense like as in my cycle I start in a few days,testosterone cypionate frontloaded with testosterone propionate, npp and turkish anadrol (ANAPOLON) more synergy the better the effects!!nandrolone decanoate is in my cycle allso that's why I'm frontloading with npp 100mg eod.
    I don't think he's going to respond. You're posting on a 17-year-old thread.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I don't think he's going to respond. You're posting on a 17-year-old thread.

    Hmmmm, according to my math…that’s a new record. The previous mark was a 13 year old thread (that I recall anyways) congrats on smashing it!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Hmmmm, according to my math…that’s a new record. The previous mark was a 13 year old thread (that I recall anyways) congrats on smashing it!
    I was thinking that too. I'm starting to think there should be a way to for an admin to mark a thread "less educationally significant" and then after so many years of inactivity, it's automatically deleted. It'd prevent a lot of these from happening.

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