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Thread: Legal Gear Methyl 1-test methy-gels

  1. #1

    Exclamation Legal Gear Methyl 1-test methy-gels

    Hey guys,

    I need to put a bit more mass on but iam gettin tested in november. Just wanna know how long this stuff will stay in the system or even if its worth the money.
    Supplement Facts.
    17aMethyl-1-androstene-17b-of-3one 10mg
    N-Acetyl-Cysteine 250mg

    take 1 tab a day

  2. #2
    M1T is heavy on side effects and low on results. It puts on mostly water weight, most users report very significant bloating, joint pain, shedding, etc. It was legal, its now a scheduled steroid. Any price over the 10-15$ per bottle that it was being sold for is too high, even then IMO the sides far outweigh any benefits.

    IMHO get some "real" gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    M1T does have more side effects, but I've always gotten good results from it. And the results seem more retainable than those with dbol. Definitely stack it with test or you may experience the M1T lethargy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    i wouldn't stack it with test...and legal gear is junk....imo

    sorry for the negative feedback

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