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Thread: First Cycle (UK style?)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK

    First Cycle (UK style?)

    Hi, I've only recently registered on this forum.

    I am doing my first cycle in January, though the advice I've had on UK forums seems more conservative than I've seen on here, so I'd like to see what you guys think too.

    I'm 26, have been working out for 6 years, 5' 6" and weigh 155lbs, low bodyfat. I've learnt a lot from the last 6 years (if only I'd known at the start what I know now... protein? calories?), and now I feel ready for my first cycle. I have everything in place but I'm biding my time making sure I've got everything right, I want to make as few mistakes as possible.

    My planned cycle is:

    Week 1:
    1g Test Enan
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Weeks 2-8:
    500mg Test Enan
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Weeks 9-10:
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Week 11:
    PCT Nolvadex 100/40/20mg for 1/10/10 days.

    I have my diet dialed in right now at 2700 calories per day. My lifestyle outside of the gym is pretty sedentary (sitting on a chair all day when working, and I work a lot), so I figure my calorie requirements are probably less than average.

    I plan to up my calories to 4000 a day during weeks 1-10, would that be about right?

    Thanks for your comments.
    Last edited by user1000; 10-21-2005 at 06:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Test enan wont kick in until around week 5 so 8 weeks imo isnt a long enough cycle. Why dont you stick with 500mg/week for 12 weeks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK
    Hi Chris,

    I have 20 amps of 250mg.

    I wanted a little over 'just in case' but assuming 'just in case' doesnt happen I will actually run it for 9 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    run it for 10 - 12 weeks and - i would use 500mg per week all the way through

    and to kick start your cycle (rather than front loading with a gram of test) i would recommend 4 weeks dbol 30mg ED

    or test prop if you dont want the bloat

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK
    I edited my original post. I seemed to have made people think I was planning on 250mg per week! What I meant was 1g in first week, and then 500mg per week.

    I can't do orals for health reasons (recent liver problems - reaction to prescription drug).

    Let's assume I don't mess up and that I will have enough to run for 9 weeks total, which makes it:

    Week 1:
    1g Test Enan
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Weeks 2-9:
    500mg Test Enan
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Weeks 10-11:
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Week 12:
    PCT Nolvadex 100/40/20mg for 1/10/10 days.

    How about the calories, 4000 per day sound ok? or go higher?
    Last edited by user1000; 10-21-2005 at 06:12 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    to get the best results buy another 2 weeks worth of test, its not that expensive itl work out about £4-5 for a 250mg amp, so another £30 is all you will need to spend

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    and id say, considering your bodyweight and lifestyle, 4000kcal a day should be fine, more than enough. stock up on bog roll hehe

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK
    Here's me thinking this was US forum... lol.

    I'm considering getting another 2 weeks - but anyone think 9 weeks is enough?

    Would there really be a noticable difference in gains between 9 weeks and 11 weeks?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    South East England
    Interesting to read I’m not the only one to think that the advice given in the UK is a bit on the conservative side - ie low dosages for short periods.

    My first cycle took me ages to plan and make my mind up as to what advice i was going to listen to. I'd been reading forums for a while both UK and US ones and posted several questions. Like i say the US answers were like - dude 8 weeks is no where long enough, and up it to 500mg a week. The UK answers were saying never go more than 8 weeks its dangerous and 500mg is way too much to take in a week. Then there was the PCT issue, US said HCG, Nolva and clomid - the UK say Nolva only if you get itchy nips otherwise don’t bother. All in all i was left confused.

    What i ended up doing was splitting it all down the line and meeting half way with time periods and dosages, mainly due to trying to be cautious and safe - i didn’t want to go **** my body up first time out. My first (and only time......... so far) was a learning curve. Basically for my second time I’m going to go with what the US guys say, sure i gained but my results were not as much as they should or could have been if id listened fully to the US guys.

    In my opinion my first cycle was scary as hell - I’d never done drugs of any type and was scared shitless of jabbing myself. But halfway through i was thinking its no big deal, don’t know what all the fuss is about - doesn’t hurt and i feel great. So my second cycle that I’m starting any day soon will be US time periods with US dosages followed by US advice on PCT!

    Like I say this is just MY opinion based on MY experiences and MY results, Hope its of some use to you?!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    My biggest gains are always weeks 6-10. I would run it at least 10 weeks.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK
    OK I'll get another 2 weeks worth, run 10 weeks in total with one weeks worth in hand for messing up or maybe an 11th week:

    Week 1:
    1g Test Enan
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Weeks 2-10:
    500mg Test Enan
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Weeks 11-12:
    0.25mg Arimidex per day

    Week 13:
    PCT Nolvadex 100/40/20mg for 1/10/10 days.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    If you want to be brought back faster after cycle use clomid along with the nolva. Personally I cant use it anymore because I turn into a raging looney but other people use it with good sucess.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK
    Thanks roidattack.

    I hear people say Clomid is good, but then in the same breath talk about mental problems (depression), visual disturbances etc.

    Personally I don't like the sound of it, I've looked into Clomid versus Nolva - some say use Clomid alone, some say use Nolva alone, and all the views inbetween, but no consensus so I figure all in all it comes down to preference?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    FOr em clomid was fine at 50mg, and I'm pretty sure it worked well. I would run 50mg clomid alongside the nolva all the way through pct. I think 100mg may bring a bit of funked me out at night if i took 100mg clomid.

    Other side I got severly was acne, but got that with nolva as well, so I'd say go with clomid as well.

    BTW are you going to run HCG last 3 weeks? What do the other guys here think? May 500iu eod?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    South East England
    The americans would usually suggest HCG run with nolva, then finish off with clomid. The idea is to get your nuts back to where they were size wise, then kick start the natural test production - as far as i can understand.

    "HCG: 1000IU's Day After last AAS shot. Run for Ten days with Nolvadex @ 20mg ED throughout, if itchy or painful nipps start to appear try uping that dosage to 40mg ED or all they way up to 80mg ED.......The day after my last HCG shot I start clomid therapy." which is

    "150mg Clomid day

    day 2-8 100mg ED

    day 9-16 50mg ED -

    day 17-24 50mg EOD"

    this is what im using to help my plannning for my next cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thats prettu high cycle also considering only a 0 weeker, nuts shouldn't be shrunk too much although I guess it varies. How about doing 500iu EOD for 25 days vefore last prop shot up till day 5 b4 last prop shot (hcg is active about 5 days still after). With a low dose like that, run about 10mg nolva ed...should work?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by user1000
    Thanks roidattack.

    I hear people say Clomid is good, but then in the same breath talk about mental problems (depression), visual disturbances etc.

    Personally I don't like the sound of it, I've looked into Clomid versus Nolva - some say use Clomid alone, some say use Nolva alone, and all the views inbetween, but no consensus so I figure all in all it comes down to preference?

    It does come down to preference but from my experience clomid/nolva brought me back much faster than nolva alone. I just did a nolva only pct and im still not fully recovered. When I have taken clomid in the same time frame I was back to normal much quicker. If you can take the sides it is superior-IMO.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK
    How much nolva/clomid do you use when you use them together?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by user1000
    How much nolva/clomid do you use when you use them together?

    clomid 100mgs for 15 days+nolva 20mgs
    clomid 50mgs for another 15+nolva 20mgs

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    south UK
    wow no wonder that brings your test back more quickly... cheers for the info. I think I'll stick with Nolva this time but aware that my natural levels might still be recovering after the PCT is finished.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    yep from my limited experience I think clomid is pretty darn good...

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