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Thread: mr o

  1. #1

    mr o

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    he is by far the best

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    he is by far the best

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    It's dark in here......
    is it just me or did Jay look better (or at least equally as impressive) than Ronnnie in the back doulbe bicepts. Jay really made huge improvments to his back this year. The way I see it, Ronnie dominated in the leg department, and maybe a little in the chest. I am no judge so I will not say it should have gone one way or another but damn he had some tight competition this year

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidGut
    is it just me or did Jay look better (or at least equally as impressive) than Ronnnie in the back doulbe bicepts. Jay really made huge improvments to his back this year. The way I see it, Ronnie dominated in the leg department, and maybe a little in the chest. I am no judge so I will not say it should have gone one way or another but damn he had some tight competition this year

    You know I personally didnt watch it but am surprised at your comment. Going by what a few of my buddies said, Gustavo beat out Jay by far. About 6 of my friends are out there now and they said that when they announced Cutler 2nd place everyone was booing. So many people were ranting "Bullshit."

    I can't speak b/c I didnt see it but everyone I talked to said that Gustavo def should haev placed second.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    It's dark in here......
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    You know I personally didnt watch it but am surprised at your comment. Going by what a few of my buddies said, Gustavo beat out Jay by far. About 6 of my friends are out there now and they said that when they announced Cutler 2nd place everyone was booing. So many people were ranting "Bullshit."

    I can't speak b/c I didnt see it but everyone I talked to said that Gustavo def should haev placed second.
    oh...I didn't watch the Olympia either. My comments were entirely based on the pics supplied from that link in the first post of this thread. Most of the pics showed Jay vs Coleman. I didn't see any comparison shots with Gustavo in them so you could be right.

    I was just commenting on the fact tha it looked to me like Jay beat out Ron's best pose

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Heh, I think the reason they were chanting BS is b/c Jay should have won. So when they announced 2nd, the crowd knew immediately who was going to win and weren't too happy about it.

    I just looked at all the pics in dftnt posing stances and Jay vs. Ronnie, etc. It was close, but I definitely think Jay should have won this year. This is by far the best he's ever looked and even if it was just for one year as champ, he deserved it over Ronnie this year. Again it was close, but to me it's pretty obvious and was to the fans apparently as well.

    Jay took off an entire year from any competing just to focus on the Olympia, and now he's talking about quitting. I'm sure that's his anger and disappointment talking right now, but I'd definitely feel the same way if I were in his shoes right now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I watched it, they were booing Jay not winning, not Gustavo finishing third. Gustavo was well conditioned, and proportioned, but couldn't match Jay size at all.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2005
    I have to say that I was SO disappointed with the Olympia. I knew that politics played a role, but I had no idea how MUCH they matter. Everyone is arguing about the Ronnie vs. Jay issue...but in my opinion and that of MANY people who were in the audience as well...neither one of them deserved the crown. Ronnie came in better shape this year, with less of a gut, and Jay came in worse shape than I can't argue with Ronnie placing over Jay, but there were SO many guys on that stage that deserved the win more than either of them. I think it's sad that bodybuilding has turned into "who's bigger" rather than "who looks the best" There were competitors with better shape, more leanness, better symmetry, and MUCH better contest prep than either of them, and IMO, those are the guys who deserved to win. Two thumbs down for the judges. I walked out early...what a disappointment.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2003
    How did Lee Priest place, btw? He was in the best shape of his life this year, and was curious what he brought to the table.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    He pulled out the competition a week before! Was a shame as he had seemed to have mastered his conditioning! Long gone were his dodgy Hams and Calves!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Locked in Marcus's cellar
    jay WHO? the guys next to ron look like kids. cutler look horrible blocky and flat. gustavo looks like national level. ron would win this show even if he came at 255-260. no competition. oh and i start thinking ron has best mid section too.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Locked in Marcus's cellar
    Quote Originally Posted by getnlarge18
    I have to say that I was SO disappointed with the Olympia. I knew that politics played a role, but I had no idea how MUCH they matter. Everyone is arguing about the Ronnie vs. Jay issue...but in my opinion and that of MANY people who were in the audience as well...neither one of them deserved the crown. Ronnie came in better shape this year, with less of a gut, and Jay came in worse shape than I can't argue with Ronnie placing over Jay, but there were SO many guys on that stage that deserved the win more than either of them. I think it's sad that bodybuilding has turned into "who's bigger" rather than "who looks the best" There were competitors with better shape, more leanness, better symmetry, and MUCH better contest prep than either of them, and IMO, those are the guys who deserved to win. Two thumbs down for the judges. I walked out early...what a disappointment.
    you're talking about b o d y b u i l d i n g here. sport full of drugs from the early 60s. you are talking about guys who use combos you never dreamed of in a 24 hour period, every day for all year long. the winner should be the guy with the most lean muscle mass while keeping the over all proportions intact and being able to present it at low bodyfat % around 3-4%. that winner will almost always be atleast a 5'9-5'10 guy cuz his frame will let him hold that level of mass which is needed for winning in todays bodybuilding pro level. this is not beauty contest if it was one then marky mark or jessica simpson's gay ex would win it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    trash can alley, VT
    Its always about freaky mass. No matter how much any of us want it differntly, it never will be. Thats why shawn ray and flex got dissappointed so often. I wonder sometimes if the judges are in the pocket of the steroid and supplement industry, because its they who keep giving the title to the massively freakish looking contestants. I guess if they ever let a guy like shawn ray win, they wouldnt be promoting as much mass as possible, and therefore promoting steriods less. Otherwise, i just dont understand bodybuilding anymore. Distended stomachs are not what i call quality conditioning.

    To bad about Lee Priest. He is my favorite. If anyone gets info as to why he dropped out, please post. He looked mighty impressive at the Arnold, top 3 in my oppinion. What a shame...

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by peace_frog
    Its always about freaky mass. No matter how much any of us want it differntly, it never will be. Thats why shawn ray and flex got dissappointed so often. I wonder sometimes if the judges are in the pocket of the steroid and supplement industry, because its they who keep giving the title to the massively freakish looking contestants. I guess if they ever let a guy like shawn ray win, they wouldnt be promoting as much mass as possible, and therefore promoting steriods less. Otherwise, i just dont understand bodybuilding anymore. Distended stomachs are not what i call quality conditioning.

    To bad about Lee Priest. He is my favorite. If anyone gets info as to why he dropped out, please post. He looked mighty impressive at the Arnold, top 3 in my oppinion. What a shame...
    He stated himself lee that is, that the Olympia contestants get treated like shit. That the whole venue is a complete mess he even posted his contract online displaying how the olympia contestants literally get treated like shit. $50 food allowance, LMAO yeah real nice.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1
    jay WHO? the guys next to ron look like kids. cutler look horrible blocky and flat. gustavo looks like national level. ron would win this show even if he came at 255-260. no competition. oh and i start thinking ron has best mid section too.
    Ronnie was 260!!! because One of his lats went missing!!!lol. Jay one Def, watched the show with a couple ameuter and 1 IBFF pro and they all said JAY!!!
    Like to hear SwoleCats imput on the show if he watched it!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    the road to greatness
    One of the first things I did notice about Cutler was, that he really brought up his hams/glutes from last year...I guess close but no cigar...His calves do appear to be better than Colemans however.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    trash can alley, VT
    Quote Originally Posted by TheOak*
    He stated himself lee that is, that the Olympia contestants get treated like shit. That the whole venue is a complete mess he even posted his contract online displaying how the olympia contestants literally get treated like shit. $50 food allowance, LMAO yeah real nice.
    Thats depressing to hear that he was so upset with the contest that he dropped out. I guess they figure the contracts with the supplement companys should sustain a body builder. FIFTY BUCKS for FOOD?? I guess they figure no one is going to eat since they've been cutting up for so long.
    Is it just the olymipa that he is upset about, or all the contests? Id hate to see him quite. I think we should all addopt a bodybuilder...for the price of just a cup of coffee a day, you could sponser a starving bodybuilder

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    ronnie wins hands down...

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Yo mama's house
    I just wanted to add this pic of Ronnie...I can't stop looking at his fvcken huge back.....

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    In The Gym
    Ronnie is unbeatable at present time.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ronnie is the man!! light weight babyy

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