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Thread: My girls pic-I need your help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    My girls pic-I need your help

    So it was her birthday last week,she convinced me for her present that I would buy her a 12 week cycle-of anything she wanted-I love her.She has never done anything before,she trains 4 times a week,poor with weights,but Incredible cardio,I mean she can hit 90 mins easy- great at other things to0.The only things she does is creatine and musclebuilding thermogenic.She wants to loose 1 to 2 bf%,and gain some muscle. IDEAS? please Critique her Physique .

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    why woudl she wanna cycle if she doesnt work with weights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    if she wants to lose some bf and gain muslce just tell her to work with weghts more and make sure her diet is in check. but from what i see the top half of her body is real nice. lucky u...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    why woudl she wanna cycle if she doesnt work with weights.

    She does- but her standard is poor,she needs to improve her technique.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the gym
    anavar and clen, anavar at 20mg/day for 7 wks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    She does- but her standard is poor,she needs to improve her technique.

    that should be priority... then aas...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Justin Sane
    that should be priority... then aas...

    I agree,however, she is in good shape, im sure with the correct cycle she will
    get good gains.She has the basics to go further.I cant stop her now,she really wants to do this.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    She looks great my friend.....nice body composition!Personally,I really don't dig women with beards,but if she turns you on and shit...who the fck I'm I to say.

    You know I'm joking my friend!Beard or not,she looks


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    [QUOTE=Pinnacle]She looks great my friend.....nice body composition!Personally,I really don't dig women with beards,but if she turns you on and shit...who the fck I'm I to say.

    NO not pinnacle,lol. Well on a serious note, this is is my idea.

    12 weeks.

    I am well against HGH for a 12 week period,but I have a 600iu kit I got last month,so I thought she could dig in my stash. 1iu every day.

    Clen 10 weeks? Around 60mcg?

    Primobolan around 25mgs/day

    Var around

    Decca? T3? Im not sure.

    Ps- pin Dont try and kill her


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    She looks great my friend.....nice body composition!Personally,I really don't dig women with beards,but if she turns you on and shit...who the fck I'm I to say.

    NO not pinnacle,lol. Well on a serious note, this is is my idea.

    12 weeks.

    I am well against HGH for a 12 week period,but I have a 600iu kit I got last month,so I thought she could dig in my stash. 1iu every day.

    Clen 10 weeks? Around 60mcg?

    Primobolan around 25mgs/day

    Var around

    Decca? T3? Im not sure.

    Ps- pin Dont try and kill her

    I like the primo for her.
    Var dose is too heavy(I can't beleive I'm saying that)I'd start her at 5 mgs and she how she does.Then bump to 10 mgs tops.
    No deca for her....
    I see no need for T3 either.
    Obviously I like the HGH at 1 iu.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I like the primo for her.
    Var dose is too heavy(I can't beleive I'm saying that)I'd start her at 5 mgs and she how she does.Then bump to 10 mgs tops.
    No deca for her....
    I see no need for T3 either.
    Obviously I like the HGH at 1 iu.

    pinnacle thinking a dose is too high?

    I would keep her off aas..mainly get her diet good before anything

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    pinnacle thinking a dose is too high?It's my friends girlfriend..but you should see what doses my girl is

    I would keep her off aas..mainly get her diet good before anything
    You do have a point.Anabolics do cause rapid hair growth.And being she has an issue with facial hair,it is certainly something to think about.Well fvk it,she could always get electrolysis....let the girl juice!!!


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    she's got a great build already. i'd say to get her on some more weights for a month or two and i think she'll be pleasantly surprised.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    She does- but her standard is poor,she needs to improve her technique.

    Help her then. And don't forget to stare at her breasts when doing so.

    as for her cycle advice, anyone of these guys knows best, so if it's advice you want from them, better take it.
    And there is no hurry for her, you can get her cycle for her like she asked... but letting her use it...;get her where she needs to be first. : proper diet, good workouts, etc.. the whole shabang.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    perfect diet ... cardio.. supps..will lead to a perfect body..

    If you truly love her , do not try AAS, but try changing lifestyle , I mean food,workout,rest,..etc..

    see the result

    and then decide on the other side of bodybuilding !!

    bodybuilding in mind, vision, not needles !!

    peace bro !

    p.s, she looks very nice, without AAS
    Last edited by TEXAS; 10-20-2005 at 12:17 AM.

  16. #16
    LOLOLOL What a tool. "I love her so I'll get roids" Oh man. Listen buddy, You have a hot girl, part of the reason she's hot is because she has a nice body. Her arms are girly like they should be. Congrats. And you want her to increase her masculine charcteristics because......? U nuts man? I think you need to remind her that she's hot the way she is a little bit more. Then she might start wanting more normal things on her bday.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    my husband's pants
    i think she looks really great now but you say she wants to lose some bf and gain some lean muscle. i have that same goal and the most results I have seen so far were by doing cardio 4 times a week 20 min and weights 4-5 times a week. no change in diet or supplements. she's even got a headstart with supplements and cardio. i don't think aas are necessary. just light weights, high reps and for even more results restricted high protein diet.
    Hope she'll try that and will be pleasantly surprised before resorting to aas

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by good looking
    Then she might start wanting more normal things on her bday.
    Hehe that's funny cause its true.

    "Honey what do you want for your bday?"
    "Some motherf*ckin juice!"

    ..and maybe a nice big adam's apple

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Prop ED Builds Character
    first of all she is an amazing looking girl...the only thing if she needs then if she wants to lose a little body fat is to diet a little differently. personally i like the way she is, and im not a big fan of ever having a woman use AAS. But hey, thats me. I think all she needs is to be properly trained with weights, get an amazing routine down which can include all of weights, cardio, and with the right supplements ie- protein, multivitamin, etc. and she should be off to the races. O and for her birthday, just give her a 12 week cycle dong, that should do the trick for her. Well good luck to you and your girl

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    she doesn't need to use AAS. You haven't said how old she is? Also most of the guys on this forum will tell you to wait until you have the diet and training in check. That's not a short term thing either its long term till it becomes a habit. Part of your life. Are you planning on marrying this girl. If she's cool about juice now will she be after she can't have kids or if your still doing it after kids and tapping into the family budget? I think you need to rethink the b-day gift. So many guys have posted that their chicks will be cool at first but then they use the illegal drug use against them. If anything get rid of that hairy animal you have there in the photo. She has a typical college chick body. She needs to use weights more. Have you asked her about the fact she may loose some breast size doing what you proposed? She looks like many of females I have trained and they really just wanted small changes in their apperance, so be careful what you try to give her. She may get manly arms and be pissed. Or her but may get bigger because of the diet isn't in check, but really she has built a more musclar glutes. So my friend love your girl for who she is. She doesn't have a bad figure at all. Many have told you that already. YOu should be proud to help her train naturally and not give her something unatural.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Thanks guy`s and girls for the advise and input- It could be to early for ASS,the problem I have to give her something,so I`m thinking HGH for 6 months at 6 on 1 off-at a dose of 1iu.I will propose this idea later today when I meet her and show her the thread.


  22. #22
    Join Date
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    On Strike!
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I am well against HGH for a 12 week period,but I have a 600iu kit I got last month,so I thought she could dig in my stash. 1iu every day. NO

    Clen 10 weeks? Around 60mcg? No

    Primobolan around 25mgs/day NO

    Var around BIG NO!

    Decca? T3? Im not sure. NEGATIVE

    Ps- pin Dont try and kill her

    Diet? What does it look like? Take a look a my sticky on diet in the female questions. Also SK's is in that thread too.

    Weights! Big priority as well .. major changes when proper weight lifting is added in.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    On Strike!
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Thanks guy`s and girls for the advise and input- It could be to early for ASS,the problem I have to give her something,so I`m thinking HGH for 6 months at 6 on 1 off-at a dose of 1iu.I will propose this idea later today when I meet her and show her the thread.

    why do you have to give her something????

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    why do you have to give her something????
    You should give her education for her bday so that she doesnt f' herself up in the future....its hypocritic but i dont think id be rushing to pump aas into my girl.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    why do you have to give her something????

    It was her birthday last week-so this will be her present.


  26. #26
    Join Date
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    On Strike!
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    It was her birthday last week-so this will be her present.

    so take her to dinner and buy her a nice present ( jewelry is always nice! lol)
    not steroids... hit me up in a PM and we can discuss better birthday options.

    honestly though.. Ill admit thats I started using before i even thought about competeing and it was to soon. I could have done a lot more natually. Remember that the sides that come from using anything can be irriversable in a female. If shes not lifting properly and has an in check diet nothign is going to help her. Steroids are not a miracle drug, they are aids in the long run to gaining what your body cannot do once you have reached your genetic potential.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    the problem I have to give her something
    The cawk!
    Sex burns calories

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Made In Ohio.
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    She does- but her standard is poor,she needs to improve her technique.

    aas won't fix her technique... if you want to help her... then show her how to use proper form.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    Quote Originally Posted by TEXAS
    perfect diet ... cardio.. supps..will lead to a perfect body..

    If you truly love her , do not try AAS, but try changing lifestyle , I mean food,workout,rest,..etc..

    see the result

    and then decide on the other side of bodybuilding !!

    bodybuilding in mind, vision, not needles !!

    peace bro !

    p.s, she looks very nice, without AAS
    I agree with the sentiment. Why you want your girl to use AAS i dont know. She looks good now. Unless she wants to look like a female pro then why does she need them?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I don't see why y'all are hating on the guy...he said:
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    she convinced me for her present that I would buy her a 12 week cycle-of anything she wanted
    Unless i misread...SHE convinced HIM she wanted gear...anything he'd recommend.

    Back to question at hand..i'd recommend...that you DON'T recommend anything...or go placebo on her... Get her a vial of B-12... give her a shot ED.

    Work with her on her training(technique)/diet/supplementation... She'll work a lot harder...and she'll reap results.

    imo, looking at the pics, she doens't need gear...neither is she at a point of development where gear use would be advisable.

    Get her training tight and get her eating better and she'll improve 100%


  31. #31
    SHE HAS A anabolics for her

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Bro, I think she looks fine the way she is. Maybe tone her midsection up a little, but she can do that with cardio and crunches. Other than that, she looks great to me. I wouldn't even consider letting her do a cycle.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Do what Nark said...placebo.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    judging by the beard, id say shes used enuf gear already!
    On a serious note sort her training and diet out, make a deal that if she duz wot u say for say a year and isnt happy with results, then ull think about a light anavar cycle or somethin

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Anavar at 10mg/ed for 7 weeks.

    GH at 1 IU for 6 months.

    That should produce some very nice results.

  36. #36

  37. #37
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by good looking
    Then she might start wanting more normal things on her bday.
    Doesn't anyone still want jewelry?

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    i wish my girl would give me a cycle for my birthday

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    leg shots?....r they in shape.......or do they look the same as her arms...which lack muscle and deffinition...............get her in there w/ you and teach here proper free weight technique then load her up full of AS.............mmmmmm....yummm!!!

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Nark gave the best advice.

    Get her diet in check and training. What ever she'll gain on gear she'll loose once she coms off because her training and diet suck

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