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Thread: 1st Cycle

  1. #1

    1st Cycle

    This is my first cycle and was considering taking:
    Week 1-8 EQ 200mg EOD
    Week 8-12 EQ 200mg EOD, Winstrol 50mg ED.
    I'm only 5-6' 170-175 so i don't want to put on too much bulk. Just solid lean muscle.
    Anyone have any suggestions? Also worried about Winstrol since Im already prone to Hairloss.
    I already bought PCT, (ie: nolva, clomid)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    no test though?
    ross been speaking to you has he?

  3. #3
    No haven't talked to anyone, but wouldn't adding test put on like 20 pounds? Too much for my frame. I need to lose like 8 pounds to get down to like 7-8%. I don't want to put on too much

  4. #4
    If you want to lose weight get on that diet and cardio...aas is not what you need

  5. #5
    I don't just want to lose weight. I do cardio 45 minutes EOD, and eat extremely well. I was saying that it wouldn't hurt me to lose a couple extra pounds and I want to put on lean muscle not too much bulk. Being as short as I am, i feel that 20 pounds of bulk muscle would look ridiculous

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    right behind you
    then don't use aas at all. get you some creatine, protein, and FOOD. if you eat right and train hard you can put on muscle and lose fat. it sounds like you could get the results you are lookin for without goin on the juice. and ps- no test=no cycle

  7. #7
    I do train hard and have been for 6 years. I take protein and creatine is shit. I appreciate the advice and especially the no test = no cycle, but thats what im asking. I dont need to be talked out of doing the cycle. Im asking for advice on it. I have done research and looked over this board for hours, unfortunately you hear a thousand different things from as many different people. Im just asking if this was an ok cycle. If it isn't let me know, and let me know what I can do different.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by JDUB415
    I do train hard and have been for 6 years. I take protein and creatine is shit. I appreciate the advice and especially the no test = no cycle, but thats what im asking. I dont need to be talked out of doing the cycle. Im asking for advice on it. I have done research and looked over this board for hours, unfortunately you hear a thousand different things from as many different people. Im just asking if this was an ok cycle. If it isn't let me know, and let me know what I can do different.
    Creatine, esp some brands/versions, doesn't work for some people. It doesn't ever do much for me. If you want to drop weight and get lean I would say your best bet is a strict diet (no high gi carbs), cardio, and clenbuterol. No AASs needed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    right behind you
    ok. you definitely want to run test with it. EQ dose is way too high for first time. you should run something like this:

    wks 1-12 test E or cyp 500mgs/wk (shoot 250mgs 2x per sunday night/thurs morning)
    wks 1-10 EQ 400mgs/wk split is up like the test 200mgs 2x per wk

    have nolva on hand for gyno if any and also for pct
    clomid also for pct

    a lot of the "mass" is from all the water that test makes you hold. maybe use something like l-dex(arimidex) for that. its great for keeping water off.

    hope this helps some

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    right behind you
    i still think natty is the way for you to go but if your dead set on runnin a cycle then i think that one will be fine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    RU laid out a good cycle for you, I am with him all the way. But as he said and everyone else, for the goals you have you could put on the 7-8 lbs you want naturally in 6 months with the right diet/workout combo. And no, 20 lbs doesn't look ridiculous on a guy your height, I am only 5'8" and weighed nearly 225 at the end of my last cycle, no one seemed to think I looked freakish by any means. Also, if you cycle and put on 30 lbs, you may get to keep 20 of that if you work very hard at it and get a little lucky.

  12. #12
    Why EQ eod??? If you scare to bloat try TEST PROP with EQ at 400-600mg twice a week and I'm sure your gonna be happy and add 2 week of winny IMO

    weeks 1-12 Eq 400-600 (mon, thurs)
    weeks 6-12 Winny 50mg ED
    weeks 1-14 Test prop 100mg eod or the best 100mg ed

    That what I do if it was me!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    here's what you want

    EQ 4-500 mg/weeks 1-12
    winstrol 50mg ed weeks 8-14
    Pct weeks 15-18

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    right behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by boardhead
    here's what you want

    EQ 4-500 mg/weeks 1-12
    winstrol 50mg ed weeks 8-14
    Pct weeks 15-18

    thats a really stupid cycle. he needs test.

    i don't think that prop is such a good choice for a 1st cycle chip. he shoud just stick to long esters. and take something else to deal with the bloat.

  15. #15
    Thanks guys..... good stuff and what i was looking for... i appreciate it

  16. #16
    Youre right RUballs, sorry JDU you better do 400mg test E or C twice a week!

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