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Thread: Gyno on Clomid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Jersey

    Gyno on Clomid?

    My Gym buddy and I got into an argument today, We were just tossing around ideas and he was talking about just taking clomid to raise test levels to see if that worked, he then said he would have to take Novla to keep gyno away?? I didnt think clomid causes gyno in anyway shape or form but since he will read this just wanted to throw this out there!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Jersey
    Just to add I always thought that clomid prevents gyno while upping the test levels, I am realizing more and more that my Gym partner is a douche bag

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Nolvadex can help prevent gyno when cycling.

    In theory the clomid thing would work...I personally have never seen any lab results from any individuals though.

    I personally think that you either go hard or go home. Those small spikes in test won't do much.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tedbear981
    My Gym buddy and I got into an argument today, We were just tossing around ideas and he was talking about just taking clomid to raise test levels to see if that worked, he then said he would have to take Novla to keep gyno away?? I didnt think clomid causes gyno in anyway shape or form but since he will read this just wanted to throw this out there!!
    I am using clomid to raise my test levels. At 30 years old, I don't break out much anymore. Once I started to use the clomid, at 100mg ED, my back and shoulders broke out. My nuts are swole. The clomid will not give you gyno but you could stack nolva with it to raise test levels. Check out Hooker's profile, where he states that Nolva is actually better than clomid for raising test levels. I'm taking 20mg ED. I will only use this for only 1 month because I am not sure if there are negatives to using nolva and clomid like tribulus and tongkat ali.

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