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Thread: Help with deca!!!!!!!)#))#)$

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio

    Help with deca!!!!!!!)#))#)$

    I know this isn't the place but i bought this today. 10 ml vial of 250 mg's each cc of Deca. I bought it from a good source ,and i know a lot of people that use this and have blown up. What bothered me is that its not marked or anything. They told me this is because they bought it from a hugeeeeeee bulk and it was distributed into smaller vials. here is the link, i uploaded the pic

  2. #2
    whats your question? Thats not enough to go on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio
    i needed to know if it looks legit ... please let me know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    o he sent u an unlabeled bottle?..and told you u he split up a bottle?...what brand was it before he split it up?...human grade..mex gear..did he make it himself...doesnt sound to good to me right now

  5. #5
    Im not liking this label?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio
    i'm not sure, all i know is a lot of people i know(that work out at the gym i work at) used it, and told me not to worry, its legit. he bought it off a website,not sure which one, i'll have to find out. wats it look like to you guys? does it look legit? even the oil? to me it does

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio
    he said something about buy-steroids .................... or something, i dunno
    Last edited by shooterstyz169; 11-08-2005 at 01:00 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Looks like oil.

    There's only one way to know what it is mang...and that's getting it tested.

    I dunno why you'd've bought anything that you weren't sure of tho.

    If you don't trust him i hope you can return it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterstyz169
    he said something about ***-*******.com or net or something, i dunno
    I edited out the URL you posted...i'd advise you do the same

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio
    oh i'm very sure its legit, i just wanted to knwo if there was any chance it wasn't

  11. #11
    how much (average) would it cost to get it tested? where?

  12. #12
    i hope thats a 20 cc vial. I gotta question for you (not flamming or anything) but how would we know if its legit or not...most times we can tell cuz of a f*ck up of the labeling or the imprint on the pill is not correct.

    If i piss in a glass and ask you if it apple juice, what would you say? See where im getting at its all gonna boil down to trust, also i dont believe if your source supplies at ur gym that hes going to scam you, but i may be wrong. Also i hope your not planning on running deca by itself.
    good luck!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    whatever it is it looks severely underdosed. it only looks half full.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    probably some homebrewed or UGL deca, if it is legit, i wouldnt take it without test!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yea thats a 20ml bottle correct?...i would hope so since its almost halfway full...if thats a 10ml bottle ur gettn fvcked bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio
    its a 20 ml bottle, ialready drew out 1 cc, thats probably y it looks like that. do they make deca in 250 mg's per cc? i thought i saw a bunch like 5 months ago, now that i look, i can't find... thanks

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    do you have any idea of how to take steroids correctly? From the sounds of it, you should do some research. You dont know if you even have legit gear. Deca should not be run without test unless you dont want to have a sex drive amongst other reasons for starters! Do you know what PCT is?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio
    yea yea yea i know all about deca dick, ect. I'm running deca alone on 250 mg's a week. I got test too from my doctor. I haven't taken the test yet, he told me not to take it until week 3. I was thinking of using Winstrol to cycle with it instead. i know this isn't the right forum for this but, would this be ideal? I'm not trying to "cut up" but get a leaner, more massive look. i was going to start my cycle 6 months ago but i decided to get my diet down, cardio down, ect. Great results when you bust your ass. I just figured its time, ive done about 2 years of research on this stuff, so i'm confident i know what i'm doing, if not, i'll learn the hard way. I was thrown the curve ball though with the Deca.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterstyz169
    yea yea yea i know all about deca dick, ect. I'm running deca alone on 250 mg's a week. I got test too from my doctor. I haven't taken the test yet, he told me not to take it until week 3. I was thinking of using Winstrol to cycle with it instead. i know this isn't the right forum for this but, would this be ideal? I'm not trying to "cut up" but get a leaner, more massive look. i was going to start my cycle 6 months ago but i decided to get my diet down, cardio down, ect. Great results when you bust your ass. I just figured its time, ive done about 2 years of research on this stuff, so i'm confident i know what i'm doing, if not, i'll learn the hard way. I was thrown the curve ball though with the Deca.
    if u have done 2 yrs of research it was for nothing cause starting test 3 wks after the deca is way wrong.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterstyz169
    yea yea yea i know all about deca dick, ect. I'm running deca alone on 250 mg's a week. I got test too from my doctor. I haven't taken the test yet, he told me not to take it until week 3. I was thinking of using Winstrol to cycle with it instead. i know this isn't the right forum for this but, would this be ideal? I'm not trying to "cut up" but get a leaner, more massive look. i was going to start my cycle 6 months ago but i decided to get my diet down, cardio down, ect. Great results when you bust your ass. I just figured its time, ive done about 2 years of research on this stuff, so i'm confident i know what i'm doing, if not, i'll learn the hard way. I was thrown the curve ball though with the Deca.
    just for the record most docs know nothin when it comes to cycling gear!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    He told me not to worry, its legit

    Well then it must be real

    dude never buy from someone that says "not to worry"

    First let me put this out there and someone else can put in their 2 cents. Your guy said he bought Deca in BULK from an Internet site? Two things I see wrong there > 1. I would not trust an Internet site that has the words Steroids in it because the feds are watching and it probably is NOT real, Trust Me.. 2. I may be wrong but BULK Deca seems like a very unsafe way to buy and break down into smaller vials. Sure if you are in a clean room and know what you are doing but do you know how this guy breaks it down? Is he using sterile bottles, needles and does he wear gloves between grabbing a new bottle and drawing out of the Main container and putting into the new vials?

    I am only being critical because you are buying from some schmo at the gym that selling unlabeled ???? oil? Deca? who knows??

    then you say you are going to wait 3 weeks to start Test, why is that? do you have PCT lined out? How long are you going to take the test verses the deca?

    People here are willing to help but it also takes a lot of common sense. Get your money back ASAP.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    well guys I am sorry but I think I found that this is real.. I blew up the image he has.. Look real close.. IT IS REAL

    Dam how did we miss that?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	legit.gif 
Views:	121 
Size:	57.5 KB 
ID:	58268  

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    well guys I am sorry but I think I found that this is real.. I blew up the image he has.. Look real close.. IT IS REAL

    Dam how did we miss that?


    Funny as shit...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    cleveland ohio
    Yes, there is a scientific reason for this, and it will occur with all AAS that suppress the HTPA hard enough.
    She is tasting a difference due to the lack of sperm in your semen as your testes have shut down sperm production. Of course deca is very suppressive so it will happen fast.
    Sperm carries with it Fructose which many of you know is a fruit sugar. So of course it would naturally make it taste different too.
    The lack of this sugar due to the lack of sperm will leave only the rest of the semen which contain buffers in it (chemicals known as alkalines - which are known to be very bitter tasting).
    Since baking soda is also buffer it would also theoretically be similar in taste.

    Anyway this is the explaination for it, and due to that explaination you ALSO know that your gear is real or this wouldn't occur.

    Christ, this is the WEIRDEST post I have ever written.
    Reply With Quote

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South JerseyJ
    LOL taht was funny old man

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterstyz169
    Yes, there is a scientific reason for this, and it will occur with all AAS that suppress the HTPA hard enough.
    She is tasting a difference due to the lack of sperm in your semen as your testes have shut down sperm production. Of course deca is very suppressive so it will happen fast.
    Sperm carries with it Fructose which many of you know is a fruit sugar. So of course it would naturally make it taste different too.
    The lack of this sugar due to the lack of sperm will leave only the rest of the semen which contain buffers in it (chemicals known as alkalines - which are known to be very bitter tasting).
    Since baking soda is also buffer it would also theoretically be similar in taste.

    Anyway this is the explaination for it, and due to that explaination you ALSO know that your gear is real or this wouldn't occur.

    Christ, this is the WEIRDEST post I have ever written.
    Reply With Quote

    WTF??? What post does this pertain to? Did I miss something? Well if I did I am sorry because it must have been good.. Also if your girl can taste the difference and actually says something she must be a connoisseur I must find out if she has a sister, Dam!!!


  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    well guys I am sorry but I think I found that this is real.. I blew up the image he has.. Look real close.. IT IS REAL

    Dam how did we miss that?


    LMAO.....that is one of the funniest things that I have seen on here.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Geeezer
    LOL taht was funny old man

    I am here to tell the jokes


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I wouldnt inject anything into my body, unless I was certain what it is.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by shooterstyz169
    oh i'm very sure its legit, i just wanted to knwo if there was any chance it wasn't
    Your sure its VERY LEGIT, but your asking us if it's legit? Bro, I'm confused. I think you wanted to know if it wasn't real simply by looking at it. Thats impossible unless the vials had labels on them. I have No idea why in the world someone would by bulk Deca, unless it was a home brew. Most legit Deca sold has a LABS label on it. Now, if we were talking about Tren, Then I would say yes, there is a good chance it's real if you believe your source is legit. (Lots of bro's homebrew there own Tren)

    With that said, You have NOT done any research because you would know that 250mg of Deca is NOT enough for a good cycle, and please tell me why you would wait till week 3 to start taking TEST? It takes about 3 or 4 weeks for both the Test and Deca to kick in, so you are looking at week 7 or 8 for the TEST to kick in... MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!

    Like everyone has stated...NEVER EVER BUY or GET GEAR off of a WEB SITE!!!!!

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