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Thread: first cycle

  1. #1

    Question first cycle

    25mg-50mg dbol 8 weeks and 200mg-400mg deca 10weeks what PCT should i use??? i was thinking around the 3 week start with 10mg of nolva and the pct nolva and clomid???, but i dont know how many mg???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by nrichman05
    25mg-50mg dbol 8 weeks and 200mg-400mg deca 10weeks what PCT should i use??? i was thinking around the 3 week start with 10mg of nolva and the pct nolva and clomid???, but i dont know how many mg???
    Ok, before we speak of PCT we must talk about your cycle. To put it simply, this cycle sucks. You need testosterone. You dont need to run anything else since this is your first cycle. You could run dbol, but keep it at 25mg/day, 50mg is too high. And you cannot run dbol for 8 weeks, 4 weeks max. Deca should be run 12 weeks at 400mg, but you shouldnt use it since this is your first cycle. Once you make a new cycle plan PM me and I will help you with PCT.

  3. #3
    the thing is i already have the deca and dbol on the way its a 100pills 25mg a piece and 20 vials of deca @ 250mg apiece. And i thought i needed test also and i called my guy 2day and asked if i should go with sust 250 and he said it will be fine without the test. i looked on the internet @ other sites and i see deca and dbol stacks just like the one i will be doing. So i dont know what 2 do!!!!
    Last edited by nrichman05; 11-01-2005 at 08:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    for your first cycle go with test

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    your "guy" doesnt know shit

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bro, do some reshearch on cycles and take powerliftmike up on his offer to help ya,you need it before you go into that kind of cycle without any test included.IMO

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by nrichman05
    the thing is i already have the deca and dbol on the way its a 100pills 25mg a piece and 20 vials of deca @ 250mg apiece. And i thought i needed test also and i called my guy 2day and asked if i should go with sust 250 and he said it will be fine without the test. i looked on the internet @ other sites and i see deca and dbol stacks just like the one i will be doing. So i dont know what 2 do!!!!
    You will lose you sex drive, without the testosterone in there. If you have a woman, this will be a problem because your unit will be limp. She will start asking you if you don't find her attractive anymore.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    5'9" 200 lbs
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Ok, before we speak of PCT we must talk about your cycle. To put it simply, this cycle sucks. You need testosterone. You dont need to run anything else since this is your first cycle. You could run dbol, but keep it at 25mg/day, 50mg is too high. And you cannot run dbol for 8 weeks, 4 weeks max. Deca should be run 12 weeks at 400mg, but you shouldnt use it since this is your first cycle. Once you make a new cycle plan PM me and I will help you with PCT.
    700% agreed..

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