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Thread: Can icing make my rehab faster?

  1. #1
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    Wink Can icing make my rehab faster?

    Since i started icing my back instead of putting some heat on it like Doc said i feel a bit better.

    I usually ice my back right after i finish my exercices for posture.

    20 minutes then i jump into a hot bath.

    Does that make any sense. I still feel pain in the upper back but a bit less on the lower back, i have been doing the exercices for 3 weeks now.

    How long should be a good back rehab program?

    What is muscles atrophy? i train each day with elastic bands, doing some hamsting exercises and when upper back is too sore i just skip the exercises for that part and do more streching.

  2. #2
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    If i'm not mistaken i saw a thread where that chiropractor vet recommended someone not to use heat pads but to ice the area. I hope i dont have that but i'm sure its right.

  3. #3
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    Yes, you are right he did recommend that and is the first one to do it, each person i have seen in the past told me not to ice since i been having pain for 4 years, and to put some heat.

    I found out that what the doc said makes a lot more sense i feel a lot better when i finish my exercises and ice the back. I sleep better and the next day i am almost pain free.

    I hope i am on the right track this time around.

  4. #4
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    sounds like you are on the right track. good luck too you and your back problems.

  5. #5
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    icing will decrease inflammation, therefore decreasing pain and allowing the area to focus on he****g.. I ice my elbows right after an upper body workout to prevent further damage/next day and on pain. I do however suggest heat, pre-workout in some cases, and this warms the area up, making it looser and less injury prone

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    are you icing the upper back too?

    muscle atrophy- when one loses muscle mass due to insufficent stimulation or diet. atrophy is a BAD thing.

    i told you ice rules, heat is such a waste IMO.NMSis right,it canbe used to lossen up muscles before you work out or for a chronic injury. since you are working on posture so much, you are causing small micro-traumas, (this would be considered an acute injury as opposed to a chronic) the ice helps to alleviate the pain and inflamation caused by making these structural changes in your body.

    rehab program 8 12 wks, evaluate your progress when the time elapses and then you decide if you need more rehab or to start training the way you used to. no matter what, after rehab, start your program using lighter weights, don't jump back into it heavy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    are you icing the upper back too?

    muscle atrophy- when one loses muscle mass due to insufficent stimulation or diet. atrophy is a BAD thing.

    i told you ice rules, heat is such a waste IMO.NMSis right,it canbe used to lossen up muscles before you work out or for a chronic injury. since you are working on posture so much, you are causing small micro-traumas, (this would be considered an acute injury as opposed to a chronic) the ice helps to alleviate the pain and inflamation caused by making these structural changes in your body.

    rehab program 8 12 wks, evaluate your progress when the time elapses and then you decide if you need more rehab or to start training the way you used to. no matter what, after rehab, start your program using lighter weights, don't jump back into it heavy.

    GOOD GOOD, i will start doing so with upper back

    Thanks for Muscle atrophy, no i train the muscle pertty hard not heavy but hard to feel it burn, hamstring, upper back, rear delts and glutes.

    It just that the next day the upper back can give me pain, and of course sometimes i feel it in the lower back has well but has you say i work on posture and its normal.
    Thank you once again Doc

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    no problem my friend!

  9. #9
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    Might has well be prepared and attack back pain by all angles.

    I really dont wanna screw this up this time. I am in my week 3 of doing theses exercices and honestly i dont plan on starting training with heavyweights anymore.

    I will have work too hard to injure myself again and this if what i am doing right now helps at all.

    Has i said i am using the elastic bands everyday doing hamstring exercices, upper back rows and upper back rear delt exercise.

    I keep my reps has you told me doc in the 15 range, do them slow. but i do train theses muscles everyday, not to make them bigger but make them stronger.

    I dont know if this is the right way to go.

  10. #10
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    you may think of droping the reps down now to 10-12 with a little more resistance and everday may be to often, try every other, give this a shot and lets see how this works for you.

  11. #11
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    Ok well due, i dont go to the gym each day, i usually try to go 2-3 times a week the rest of the week i do the exercices with elastic bands.

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    try it every other day with the elastic as well. every day does not give you anytime to heal from the work you do.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    try it every other day with the elastic as well. every day does not give you anytime to heal from the work you do.
    Ok so this tells me that the program i am doing might not be that good after all ((((((((((((((9

    I have the lower abs exercice to do each day, 2-3 sets of 15 reps, also have the close grip with elastic bands and the rear deltoid exercise, also a rear dumbell exercise on the exercise ball.

    I also have so streching to do each day and sometimes i have to strech every 2 hours.....

    This is getting a bit confusing?????

  14. #14
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    Doc i will start doing the every other day exercises, after all even if i do only 2-3 sets i gotta rehab right.

    I will start icing the upperback has the lower back, are hot baths ok? they are really relaxing.

    And strech everyday.

  15. #15
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    Also Doc can i use elliptic machine to burn fat, since i stopped doing tae bo and bootcamp i have gained 10 pounds, YUKE.

    At least a bit of cardio, can you please help me make this damn program work for me.

    Thank you very much for everything once again.

  16. #16
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    i would recomend walking, may be easier on your muscles than the eleptical while you ar making these postural changes. i am a big fn of walking, i can shed alot of weight just by taking a brisk 30 min walk every day with altering my diet to more protein and cutting out the carbs. now i am not a fan of the eliptical, but you can try it, and if it doesn't seem to be bothering your painful areas than go ahead, if it does hurt, tahn time to hit the shoe leather express and take a walk

  17. #17
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    Thanks doc i will try this instead, damn they got some adjustement at my job and the plant has grown big time, i walk each day to shipping its a long walk.

    I will try to add an additional walks of 30 minutes each night and try this.

    Yeah gotta cut the damn sugar and carbs.

  18. #18
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    i just droped from 215 to 190lbs in about 2months by cutting the sugar and carbs and walking, i do powerlifting, so i drop weight to make specific weight classes, normaly i drop to 198lb class and stay there, this time i decided to go crazy and i am shooting for 181lb class so i can break some records.

  19. #19
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    I dont know how old you are but god damn it since i am 33 its getting harder to drop the damn weight.

    Talked to my girlfriend last night and she wants to go for some walks has well, we usually walk for 1 hour on the weekends but will go out after super each night for an extra hour.

    Once again thank you so much, at 5 feet 10 i would just love to reach 191 pounds, i dont want to cut out all the carbs cause if i get into ketosis i feel real bad ouch.

  20. #20
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    after awhile, you never reach ketosis, i eat just about 20- 30 grams of carbs a day and i never go into ketosis. this is probably because my body is very used to little carbs. easiest way to check if you are in ketosis, keto sticks , you can buy them in a pharmacy. you dip them in your urine , and if theketo stick turns purple, you are in ketosis, if it stays pink or white, you are not. i just turned 30 and i am 5'10' too. its a little tougher to take off the weight but it can be done, just takes a little more time.

  21. #21
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    Ok Doc i will get onto a bit more dieting has well, god damn sweet tooth, i just cant get enought sugar.

  22. #22
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    f the sugar, it so no good, i am telling you stick to the atkins type diet for 2 wks w cardio and you will drop an easy ten pounds!

  23. #23
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    Winter time is up here in Canada, i dont know if this makes sense or not but its cold outside, by walking i guess that my body will be a bit cold and activate itself to warm me up so it will burn a bit more calories to try to get the heat up.

    I did atkins in 2001 the second fat pics i posted LOL i was 231 pounds and lost 31 pounds in a short while.

    Its damn tought i will ask my girlfriend to help me out, i know that sugar is crap and i got to shake that bad habit.

    Also i will by some type of fat burner, they always help me get in line and since Ephedrine is not banned anymore in Canada, some very good fat burners are available here.

    In fact i will stop by the pro shop this Saturday and get a good brand.

    Keep you posted doc thanks again

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