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Thread: new argument

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    new argument

    how many think the cop acted wrong? this is a local story going on in my area.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i dont think the cop acted wrong the kid tried to hit him with the car, when a cop feels his life is in danger believe he will try to kill u...its not like the cop shot him for no reason he was ste****g cars and tried to kill an officer. but what pisses me off is that the mom tries to make it a sob story, saying he was looking towards his future cause he has a kid now...he has a baby and he's still doin dumb shit like that...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i dont think the cop acted wrong the kid tried to hit him with the car, when a cop feels his life is in danger believe he will try to kill u...its not like the cop shot him for no reason he was ste****g cars and tried to kill an officer. but what pisses me off is that the mom tries to make it a sob story, saying he was looking towards his future cause he has a kid now...he has a baby and he's still doin dumb shit like that...
    i feel u bro i just wanted other opinions cause im a little biased being a former cop. the mom really pissed me off when she said they threw her to the ground she didnt realize that she cant disturb the crime scene.

  4. #4
    took forever to load..never did..dammit

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    took forever to load..never did..dammit
    r u still on dial up?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Well the kid sounds like straight up TRASH! But the cop was definitely in the wrong.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Well the kid sounds like straight up TRASH! But the cop was definitely in the wrong.
    how was the cop in the wrong?

  8. #8
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    Northern California
    The kid does sound like trash. Trash or not, I'm not sure he should have shot the kid to kill him. The police chief says that he fired one shot, the mom says there were bullet holes all over the car..hmm
    Then again, I wasn't there and obviously the officer felt his life was in danger.
    As far as the mother goes, I saw no excessive force, her fat ass more or less fell to the ground

  9. #9
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    if the cop felt he was in danger he did the right thing I mean if you get hit by a car you can easily die. I think the video on here a while ago about the cop who died from the AK-47 says it all. If you feel threatened shoot. It would be diffrent it was in a town where nothing every happens but in a place like that you never know what people are capable of

  10. #10
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    there were closeups of the car the only hole i saw was thru the windsheild. but the police investigator did say multiple shots were fired. anyhow when a car is comin at u that is considered deadly force and a cop is taught to shoot for center mass not the arm or tires.

  11. #11
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    Let's forget who is the criminal here! Prior arrests...just got out of jail...they tried to run over the officer...they're not the fvcking victim!!

    Let's focus on what they were doing!! They were B&E'ing! If the officer was ran over and killed...then what!?

    Fvcking people have too many rights now a days. No respect for the law.

  12. #12
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    The cop did what he needed to do to stay alive......... the kid should have never tried to run the cop down.

    With the mom I saw no excessive force used on her.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    Let's forget who is the criminal here! Prior arrests...just got out of jail...they tried to run over the officer...they're not the fvcking victim!!

    Let's focus on what they were doing!! They were B&E'ing! If the officer was ran over and killed...then what!?

    Fvcking people have too many rights now a days. No respect for the law.
    they just got out of jail and were still on bond!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    there were closeups of the car the only hole i saw was thru the windsheild. but the police investigator did say multiple shots were fired. anyhow when a car is comin at u that is considered deadly force and a cop is taught to shoot for center mass not the arm or tires.
    If you are a former cop, and that is what they teach you to do, Then the cop did the right thing.
    ...too many factors, and I wasn't there....still hard to say.

    And as people have no respect for the law, some cops have no respect for the people. Not saying that is the case here.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    it just sucks that people are always saying the cops did wrong. no officer wants to draw his weapon to kill an 18 yr old kid.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    how was the cop in the wrong?
    Well i wasnt there but i'm sure it wasnt such a close call for the officer. I'm sure the kid was not trying to KILL the officer, he was just trying to get away. But the pig (oh i mean officer ) doesnt want the little punk to get away. so he decides to stand in the middle of the road and starting firing shots at the kids FVCKING HEAD!!! Pigs would rather kill someone then let them get away

    And him being on bond doesnt mean shit, because i was arrested once while on bond and i dont deserve to DIE!! people change.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Well i wasnt there but i'm sure it wasnt such a close call for the officer. I'm sure the kid was not trying to KILL the officer, he was just trying to get away. But the pig (oh i mean officer ) doesnt want the little punk to get away. so he decides to stand in the middle of the road and starting firing shots at the kids FVCKING HEAD!!! Pigs would rather kill someone then let them get away

    And him being on bond doesnt mean shit, because i was arrested once while on bond and i dont deserve to DIE!! people change.
    You do if you're using a car to try to kill someone...... or get away

    It's always the cops fault..............

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    You do if you're using a car to try to kill someone...... or get away

    It's always the cops fault..............
    You sure love those rolleyes emoticons dont you.. .........

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    You sure love those rolleyes emoticons dont you.. .........
    Yep....... I just don't understand the thought process of some people.......

  20. #20
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Yep....... I just don't understand the thought process of some people.......
    What a coincidence me either...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ok let me ask everyone a question here. Lets say the cop had MORE than enough time to move out of the way. Would killing the kid be wrong then??

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Ok let me ask everyone a question here. Lets say the cop had MORE than enough time to move out of the way. Would killing the kid be wrong then??
    That's like asking if the robber that has a gun shoots over your head do you not shoot back and try to stop him.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    That's like asking if the robber that has a gun shoots over your head do you not shoot back and try to stop him.
    Actually i dont think my question is similar to your statment at all. But thanks for your response.

    What i'm saying is imagine the cop being 20-30 feet away from the vehicle. He yells freeze, the kids panic and step on the gas leaving a nice space in time for the officer to
    A. get out of the way
    B. Shoot the tire or a warning shot and get out of the way
    C. Shoot at the kids head even though he had time to get out of the way

    what would you guys choose?

    Edit: keep in mind this kid was not HARMING anyone. He was just opening car doors. Hes not a bank robber or brandishing a weapon at all.
    Last edited by 305GUY; 11-17-2005 at 08:20 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    i would choose B myself.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Autobot City
    In defenses of the cop we dont know what was going through his mind. I mean being put in a situation like that everything changes. Sure we all say well I would have shot back or dove out of the way but you don't know that(unless you have been in these situations before) adren****e is pumping your nervous and what might have been the kid trying to leave he thought hes gonna kill me so boom. Besides this wouldnt have happend if they would have stopped when the cop said "freeze" thats what it means don't move

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Autobot City
    why wont this let me type adren****e maybe if I spell it wrong adreneline

  27. #27
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    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Ok let me ask everyone a question here. Lets say the cop had MORE than enough time to move out of the way. Would killing the kid be wrong then??
    He did have more than enough time. so the cop lived....

    But like edmen2 said, "no officer wants to draw his weapon to kill an 18 year old kid"

    Thats not something to be proud of. I can't imagine he went home to his family that day proud of himself.

    Besides that, we all have the details after it's all over . The officer didn't know the details going into the situation. He probably had no idea it was a couple of 18 year old kids. All he knew in the heat of the moment is that the person tried running him over. Maybe he had weapons? maybe he would try again?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 24labor
    In defenses of the cop we dont know what was going through his mind. I mean being put in a situation like that everything changes. Sure we all say well I would have shot back or dove out of the way but you don't know that(unless you have been in these situations before) adren****e is pumping your nervous and what might have been the kid trying to leave he thought hes gonna kill me so boom. Besides this wouldnt have happend if they would have stopped when the cop said "freeze" thats what it means don't move
    I get what your saying, but cops are trained to keep a level head in situations. And this situation wasnt even that crazy.
    So which option would you choose.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Actually i dont think my question is similar to your statment at all. But thanks for your response.

    What i'm saying is imagine the cop being 20-30 feet away from the vehicle. He yells freeze, the kids panic and step on the gas leaving a nice space in time for the officer to
    A. get out of the way
    B. Shoot the tire or a warning shot and get out of the way
    C. Shoot at the kids head even though he had time to get out of the way

    what would you guys choose?
    Actually it was smart ass........... you're walking a thin line my man........ you may not have too long here..... keep it up.

    They were warned........ plus the cop shot a warning shot. The kid almost hit him and he fell to the ground. The cop fired again and killed him. The kid got what he deserved.

    Now in your little dream world you created the cop still has cause to fire at the vehicle. If you have no respect for authority then you deserve what you get..............

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    I get what your saying, but cops are trained to keep a level head in situations. And this situation wasnt even that crazy.
    So which option would you choose.
    True the situation wasn't crazy I mean personally I would have dove out of the way unless they shot at me but thats me not him plus if the kids didn't stop when he said freeze, lets just say some places follow the shoot now ask questions later

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reprisal 6
    He did have more than enough time. so the cop lived....

    But like edmen2 said, "no officer wants to draw his weapon to kill an 18 year old kid"

    Thats not something to be proud of. I can't imagine he went home to his family that day proud of himself.

    Besides that, we all have the details after it's all over . The officer didn't know the details going into the situation. He probably had no idea it was a couple of 18 year old kids. All he knew in the heat of the moment is that the person tried running him over. Maybe he had weapons? maybe he would try again?
    IMO an officer should only shoot to kill when a weapon is being pointed at themselves or someone else. The kid was not flashing any weapons at all. And you said it yourself the cop had more than enough time to fire his rounds and STILL get out of the way. the cop was called there because punks were braking into cars, not harming anyone.

    So which option would you choose if it were you??

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    You chose b. shot the tire. but what if he missed and frozed up and he got hit. Or if the car spun out of control and hit some kids or something

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Actually it was smart ass........... you're walking a thin line my man........ you may not have too long here..... keep it up.
    Wow i really didnt expect a comment like that. I didnt even have a rolleyes icon or anything. and i was serious when i said thanks for your response.
    If you think i was being a smart ass my apologies.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    Wow i really didnt expect a comment like that. I didnt even have a rolleyes icon or anything. and i was serious when i said thanks for your response.
    If you think i was being a smart ass my apologies.
    Everytime I have something to say in a few thread you have something smart to say............. it will end here.

    I don't mind joking around but I don't feel a lot of it has been.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by 24labor
    You chose be shot the tire but what if he missed and frozed up and he got hit. Or if the car spun out of control and hit some kids or something
    what if what if... IMO if theres no need to take a life. Why do so?

  36. #36
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    Mar 2005
    almost the same thing happened in stl a cop killed 2 people when a truck he pulled over started to roll backwards cause it was a manual transmission and on a hill. He claims he shot in self defense because he was in immediate danger of being run over. Y the fvck didn't he just jump out of the way, he obviously wasn't in that much trouble if he had time to kill 2 of the guys in the car and still get out of the way. Fvcking piece of sh!t cop.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    what if what if... IMO if theres no need to take a life. Why do so?
    True but the world has always lived by the same motos for all of history "survival of the fittess" "kill or be killed" "take life to spare your own" "live by the sword, die by the sword" all those types of sayings. We are born to destroy ourselves its nature

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    the cop was freakin 20 feet behind the guys car when it started to slowly roll down hill, why did he shoot, if hes in immediate danger killing the driver isn't gonna do anything to stop the car but he felt he needed to kill the driver and another guy in the car.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
    almost the same thing happened in stl a cop killed 2 people when a truck he pulled over started to roll backwards cause it was a manual transmission and on a hill. He claims he shot in self defense because he was in immediate danger of being run over. Y the fvck didn't he just jump out of the way, he obviously wasn't in that much trouble if he had time to kill 2 of the guys in the car and still get out of the way. Fvcking piece of sh!t cop.
    There are dirty ass cops out there some of them more than others but sometimes you get a rookie or somehting and they read the situation wrong.

  40. #40
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    I'm still curious as to why I can't say adren****e.........can I say poop, ass, balls?

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