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Thread: Questions About Aromasin

  1. #1

    Aromasin Rebound Effect?

    Hey Guys,

    I like to know if you could help me out.

    I was looking at getting some aromasin to lower my estrogen levels. My total E's are high (219 range 40-115) and E2 levels are at the top of the reference range. Which I believe is causing HPTA suppression.

    From the information I've read Arimidex doesn't make much of a difference in total E's and I've read from other's experiences that aromasin will lower total E's, so I am looking at using aromasin.

    I've read that aromasin is a suicide Estrogen Inhibitor, if I lower my Estrogen levels too much with aromasin, will they rebound back to appropriate levels?

    Thanks guys!
    Last edited by maxzax; 11-23-2005 at 12:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by maxzax
    Hey Guys,

    I like to know if you could help me out.

    I was looking at getting some aromasin to lower my estrogen levels. My total E's are high (219 range 40-115) and E2 levels are at the top of the reference range. Which I believe is causing HPTA suppression.

    From the information I've read Arimidex doesn't make much of a difference in total E's and I've read from other's experiences that aromasin will lower total E's, so I am looking at using aromasin.

    I've read that aromasin is a suicide Estrogen Inhibitor, if I lower my Estrogen levels too much with aromasin, will they rebound back to appropriate levels?

    Thanks guys!
    Why not run femera or letro....... letro will def lower estrogen levels

  3. #3
    I read letro has a major rebound effect and only suppresses estrogens while on it. And I don't know enuff about Femera.


    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Why not run femera or letro....... letro will def lower estrogen levels

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