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Thread: Letro cycle nolva PCT sex drive

  1. #1

    Letro cycle nolva PCT sex drive

    I cycled off letrozole with some nolva for a good 2 weeks... the letro had some effect on my sex drive. just stopped taking nolva a yesterday... would the nolva prolong the sex drive issues? I was taking it at 40 mg/day for 1 week then 25mg/day for the 2nd week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    that depends on what kind of cycle you just came off. List cycle length and amount per week or day, your past history with post cycle crashing/recovery, and your stats, and we can tell you what effects you can generally expect. Letro may kill sex drive because estrogen plays a role there. Nolva will help increase your sex drive by raising natty test and NOT lowering estrogen in the blood, but blocking it in key places...

  3. #3
    well, i did a 3 week superdrol cycle and then after thought i had gyno, so i did a pct of novedex xt 1 bottle+ 1 bottle of rebound xt over a 6 week period, 4 weeks in which i was on letro, then2 weeks i cycled off the letro with nolva... now im having troubles getting it up... i can do it most of the time but it's not as hard as it was (meaning erection strength) during beginning of pct. And it's been really making me nervous because i am afraid i hurt myself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vipersg123
    well, i did a 3 week superdrol cycle and then after thought i had gyno, so i did a pct of novedex xt 1 bottle+ 1 bottle of rebound xt over a 6 week period, 4 weeks in which i was on letro, then2 weeks i cycled off the letro with nolva... now im having troubles getting it up... i can do it most of the time but it's not as hard as it was (meaning erection strength) during beginning of pct. And it's been really making me nervous because i am afraid i hurt myself.
    So you ran the supplement novedex xt not nolvadex? If that is the case, that would help explain your problem. If I misunderstood, which may easily be the case and you used the real thing, it may just be that you haven't fully recovered. I ran a proper pct and it still took me a few months to get working right (actually sometimes it still feels like I am not as I was before cycle but it is just in my head).

  5. #5
    well, no i used both novedex xt and Lions tamox... I really hope i recover properly, it's been showing in the bedroom that i am not up to par... i can get it up but its not like before... before i was up in seconds now i really need to be horny for it to get up. i still wake up with morning wood most mornings. It seems like my testes might be a little smaller? im not sure if it's just in my head though... I just finished a bottle of fenugreek, i am now taking zma and some dymatize excite, it has horny goat weed, maca and some other stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Some of it is probably in your head, but some of it may be physical. Time is what you need if that is the case. Like I said before, I am young and it took me about 3 months for everything to get back to normal. Get some Cialis. Thats what I did when I was having some mental trouble and once I was performing again, I stopped taking it and I was fine. Your probably fine and if not, or it takes too long, thats why Lion also sells cialis.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    i had the saem thing. it kills boner strength sometimes, letro. I 'm tapereing of letro now and am down to .25 E 3rd Day. My sex drive seems to be comming back. I mean, i wasnt totally shut down sex drive wise, but i noticed that instead of havinf to spank it everyday once or twice, i can go without it...AT ALL. But now im starting to get my urges back. I am still on the nolva at 40mg for the next 6 days then i will be at 20mg for a few weeks, and then done. Though nolva shouldnt prolong lost libido for the reasons Drummerboy mentioned, i looked up nolvadex side effect on a medical site, and loss of sex drive was in there for men. But still, i think it is less common.

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